Best Practice: MP Elements should not have repeated display names


What does this best practice check for?

All management pack elements should have associated display names. As a best practice, display names should not be repeated across multiple MP elements.

Why is it important to follow this best practice? What is the impact of not following this best practice?

The display name gives the end-user a friendly name to identify MP elements. When display names are repeated, it typically means one of two things. It could mean that the same functionality has been implemented in multiple ways, which is not only extra work for the MP author, but will lead to unnecessary noise for the end-user as one issue will cause alerting twice-over. Repeated display names could also mean that at least one of the display names are incorrect, which is misleading for the end-user. Ensure that these display-names are not merely placeholders, and that they are correct for the functionality that they are intended to cover.

How do I fix this in my MP?

Using the Authoring Console:

1.        In the Authoring console, all elements have a display name field. Ensure that this field is filled in, and is unique to the element.

Using XML:


       < DisplayString ElementID = " Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.LogicalDisk.AvailabilityHealth" >

          < Name > Logical Disk </ Name >

         < Description > Monitors the availability of this logical disk. </ Description >

       </ DisplayString >

       < DisplayString ElementID = " Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.LogicalDisk.PerformanceHealth" >

          < Name > Logical Disk </ Name >

         < Description > Monitors the availability of this logical disk. </ Description >

       </ DisplayString >


       < DisplayString ElementID = " Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.LogicalDisk.AvailabilityHealth" >

          < Name > Logical Disk Availability </ Name >

         < Description > Monitors the availability of this logical disk. </ Description >

       </ DisplayString >

       < DisplayString ElementID = " Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.LogicalDisk.PerformanceHealth" >

          < Name > Logical Disk Performance </ Name >

         < Description > Monitors the availability of this logical disk. </ Description >

       </ DisplayString >