Cookdown Analyzer: How to Solve Cookdown-Related Performance Issues


It is important to keep in mind that potential for cookdownstarts at the beginning of a workflow at its first module, and proceeds onward in order of the modules that compose the workflow. When lack of cookdownis creating performance issues in your management pack, the solution is to ensure that first module is not breaking cookdownby ensuring that instance-specific data is moved out of this module. By doing this, the first module will cook down. You can continue to do this sequentially for the modules in your management pack up to the point where it makes most sense; i.e. modules that are known to have high performance impact in large instance spaces are cooked down. Modules that are known to have such an impact are the Powershellmodule, WMI module, and Script Executer module. By ensuring that these modules are cooked down, the number of instances of these modules is diminished significantly, which greatly improves performance.


Let us discuss how to use this approach. This approach can be used when a performance critical module can return needed data (for instance, property bag) without using instance specific information. For instance, this is true when the module is used only for filtering out unnecessary objects. In such a case, the performance critical module can return data for all objects, and then use the System.ExpressionFiltermodule to filter the returned data. This way, the performance critical module will be executed only once and will not cause a performance issue. Moreover, the System.ExpressionFiltermodule is very efficient, and executing it multiple times will not result in performance issues.


Now, let us examine this approach in detail using a common example. This particular issue was found in an MP through CookdownAnalysis:







900 Seconds





Management Pack: Microsoft.Windows.ABCServer.2003
Interval:900 Seconds
Module:WMI-based module 'Select * from MicrosoftABC_Drivewhere Name ='$Target/ Property[Type="Microsoft.Windows.ABCServer.Library.Drive"]/DriveName$''



The problem here is that instance-specific data is used in the configuration of the WMI-based module. This leads to execution of this module for every "Drive" object instance in the system. Taking a closer look shows us that this instance-specific information is used only for filtering out unnecessary objects:


< UnitMonitorType ID = " Microsoft.Windows.ABCServer.Library.MonitorType.DriveRunningState" >


  < MonitorImplementation >

    < MemberModules >

      < DataSource ID = " DataSource " TypeID =" Windows !Microsoft.Windows.WmiProvider " >

        < NameSpace > root\ MicrosoftABC </ NameSpace >

        < Query > Select * from MicrosoftABC_Drivewhere Name = ' $Target/ Property[Type="Microsoft.Windows.ABCServer.Library.Drive"]/DriveName$ ' </ Query >

        < Frequency > $ Config/ IntervalSeconds$ </ Frequency >

      </ DataSource >

      < ConditionDetection ID = " ShutdownFilter " TypeID =" System !System.ExpressionFilter " >

        < Expression >

          < SimpleExpression >

            < ValueExpression >

              < XPathQuery > Property[@Name='Shutdown'] </ XPathQuery >

            </ ValueExpression >

            < Operator > Equal </ Operator >

            < ValueExpression >

              < Value > True </ Value >

            </ ValueExpression >

          </ SimpleExpression >

        </ Expression >

      </ ConditionDetection >


    </ MemberModules >

    < RegularDetections >


    </ RegularDetections >

  </ MonitorImplementation >

</ UnitMonitorType >


To solve this problem, we will modify it in such a way that it returns data for all objects. We will then filter out unnecessary objects. In this case, it can be done very easily by modifying the System.ExpressionFiltermodule.


< UnitMonitorType ID = " Microsoft.Windows.ABCServer.Library.MonitorType.DriveRunningState" >


  < MonitorImplementation >

    < MemberModules >

      < DataSource ID = " DataSource " TypeID =" Windows !Microsoft.Windows.WmiProvider " >

        < NameSpace > root\ MicrosoftABC </ NameSpace >

        < Query > Select Name, Shutdown, Paused from MicrosoftABC_Drive </ Query >

        < Frequency > $ Config/ IntervalSeconds$ </ Frequency >

      </ DataSource >

      < ConditionDetection ID = " ShutdownFilter " TypeID =" System !System.ExpressionFilter " >

        < Expression >

          < And >

            < Expression >

              < SimpleExpression >

                < ValueExpression >

                  < XPathQuery Type = " String" >Property[@Name='Name'] </ XPathQuery >

                </ ValueExpression >

                < Operator > Equal </ Operator >

                < ValueExpression >

                  < Value Type = " String" > $Target/Property[Type="Microsoft.Windows.ABCServer.Library.Drive"]/DriveName$ </ Value >

                </ ValueExpression >

              </ SimpleExpression >

            </ Expression >

            < Expression >

              < SimpleExpression >

                < ValueExpression >

                  < XPathQuery > Property[@Name='Shutdown'] </ XPathQuery >

                </ ValueExpression >

                < Operator > Equal </ Operator >

                < ValueExpression >

                  < Value > True </ Value >

                </ ValueExpression >

              </ SimpleExpression >

            </ Expression >

          </ And >

        </ Expression >

      </ ConditionDetection >


    </ MemberModules >

    < RegularDetections >


    </ RegularDetections >

  </ MonitorImplementation >

</ UnitMonitorType >


So, as a result we can see that this workflow does not have any cookdowncriteria for the module, i.e. it is properly cooked down:


Module ( critical module shown in bold, all modules belonging to the parent composite module shown with indentation)

Performance Issue ( shown only for unit modules)

ID: DataSource
Type: Microsoft.Windows.WmiProvider

ID: Scheduler
Type: System.Scheduler


ID: Probe
Type: Microsoft.Windows.WmiProbe


ID: RunningFilter
Type: System.ExpressionFilter






900 Seconds





Management Pack: Microsoft.Windows.ABCServer.2003
Interval:900 Seconds
Module:WMI-based module 'Select Name, Shutdown, Paused from MicrosoftABC_Drive'



With this particular example in a lab, on a topology with 50 Drives, the non-cooked down workflow created 100% CPU consumption for a few seconds. By implementing cookdown, this was reduced to 5% CPU spikes.



Module ( critical module shown in bold, all modules belonging to the parent composite module shown with indentation)

Performance Issue ( shown only for unit modules)

ID: DataSource
Type: Microsoft.Windows.WmiProvider

ID: Scheduler
Type: System.Scheduler


ID: Probe
Type: Microsoft.Windows.WmiProbe


ID: RunningFilter
Type: System.ExpressionFilter
