Managed Windows SharePoint Services Web Service

This section contains public methods of the Managed Windows SharePoint Services Namespace that are exposed in the Web Service. The Web methods of the Managed Windows SharePoint Services Namespace that are exposed in the Web Service as Web methods of the Windows-based Hosting Namespace are not duplicated in this listing. For descriptions of these methods see Managed Windows-based Hosting Web Service. The methods exposed in the Web Service map directly to Managed Windows SharePoint Services named procedures.

Public Methods
Public Method Description
Managed Sharepoint Hosting::GetCustomerSite Retrieves metadata for a specified SharePoint site.
Managed Sharepoint Hosting::QuerySitesByCustomer Query all sites for an organization.
Managed Sharepoint Hosting::ConfigureSharePointForDelegation The ConfigureSharePointForDelegation Web service allows configuration of a specified Windows SharePoint Service server for delegated administration.
Managed Sharepoint Hosting::DeconfigureSharePointForDelegation The DeconfigureSharePointForDelegation Web service removes configuration of a specified Windows SharePoint Services server for delegated administration.
 Applies To