Managed SharePoint 2007 Namespace

This document provides the details of the application programming interface (API) for the ManagedSharePoint2007 namespace included with the Microsoft® Provisioning System (MPS) in Contained herein are descriptions of the procedures of this namespace along with method input parameters and return values. In addition, example XML requests are provided along with a typical Extensible Markup Language (XML) response that the provisioning system returns after a request is submitted to MPS and tasks are completed.

Developers should use this API document as a reference when creating XML requests that initiate the provisioning of Microsoft Office SharePoint 2007 services or as a basis for review of the SharePoint 2007 named procedures that are implemented in the Web Service.


The ManagedSharePoint2007 namespace provides a set of multifunction peripherals (MPF) named procedures for provisioning Windows Sharepoint sites for customers in both shared scenarios. This namespace enhances the low level Windows SharePoint Services provider by integrating several aspects of a hosted Windows SharePoint Services site provisioning including:

The ManagedSharePoint2007 namespace is designed to provide business logic regarding the creation of Windows SharePoint Services sites and accounts. This namespace, however, does not implement any plans or resource management logic as these will be provided by a higher-level namespace. This allows for scenarios where built in plans and resource management are not desired by the customer.

Many of the procedures in this namespace accept as a parameter a target URL. This URL is passed to the SharePoint Provider to dictate which remote SharePoint Front-End server the provider will submit provisioning requests to, in order to perform the corresponding provisioning action. Since the MPS Engine will submit authenticated HTTP requests to the server specified by the target URL, it is important that you ensure that only valid Windows SharePoint Front-End servers are targeted for provisioning actions.

Suggestions for ensuring validity of servers in target URL:

Besides target, validation should be performed for parameters like URL, GUID, size, and email . For more information about input data validation, see Input Validation and Protection against Injection Attacks.


The ManagedSharePoint2007 namespace installs as a MPF Namespace in MPS Provisioning Manager. It may require the additional execution of a procedure to set up permissions, credentials, or perform additional initialization configuration.

Public Methods
Public Method Description
ManagedSharePoint2007::AddGroup Adds a SharePoint group to the customer's site collection or subsite.
ManagedSharePoint2007::AddGroupToRole Adds a group to the specified role of the customer's site collection or subsite.
ManagedSharePoint2007::AddRole Adds a role to the customer's site collection or subsite.
ManagedSharePoint2007::AddUsersToRole Adds one or more user accounts to the specified role.
ManagedSharePoint2007::CreateCustomerSite Creates a customer Sharepoint Site Collection.
ManagedSharePoint2007::CreateCustomerSubSite Creates a subsite in a customer's Sharepoint Site Collection.
ManagedSharePoint2007::DeleteCustomerSite Deletes a customer SharePoint Site Collection.
ManagedSharePoint2007::DeleteCustomerSubSite Deletes a Subsite in a customer's Sharepoint Site Collection.
ManagedSharePoint2007::GetCustomerSite Retrieves meta data for a specified SharePoint site.
ManagedSharePoint2007::GetRoles Gets information about the specified roles.
ManagedSharePoint2007::GetUsersFromRoles Returns information about the collection of users in the specified role.
ManagedSharePoint2007::InitializeNamespaceSecurity Creates and enables a Microsoft SharePoint site on the specified server.
ManagedSharePoint2007::ModifyCustomerSite Modifies metadata for the specified SharePoint site.
ManagedSharePoint2007::ModifyCustomerSiteQuota Modifies a customer's quota for the site collection.
ManagedSharePoint2007::ModifyServiceAccountDirectoryPaths Modifies the service Account Directory paths of all web applications on a target server.
ManagedSharePoint2007::QuerySitesByCustomer Queries all sites for an organization.
ManagedSharePoint2007::RemoveGroup Removes a group from the customer's site collection or subsite.
ManagedSharePoint2007::RemoveGroupFromRole Removes a group from the specified role of the customer's site collection or subsite.
ManagedSharePoint2007::RemoveRole Removes a role from the customer site collection or subsite.
ManagedSharePoint2007::RemoveUsersFromRole Removes one or more user accounts from the specified role.
 Applies To