Service Module Controller

The controller file should be placed in the same physical folder as the service module using the following naming convention: <Service Module Name>Controller.xml


Shown below is a sample XML controller for the Change Password Service Module. The file to be created should be named as: ChangePasswordController.xml (since the name of the service module was specified as ChangePassword).

<ServiceModuleController validator="ZoneBasedServiceModuleValidator" submitControl="imgBtnSubmit"  globalPanel="GlobalPanel" optionalPanel="OptionalPanel">
  <Control required="true" name="txtOldPassword" message="Please enter the old password"></Control>
  <Control required="true" name="txtNewPassword" message="Please enter the new password"></Control>
  <Control required="true" name="txtConfirmNewPassword" message="Please confirm the new password"></Control>

Attribute Required Description
Validator Yes Used to plug in the validator to be used for the service module. If you create your own validator, use this attribute to specify it.
submitControl Yes Used to specify the ID of the control that is used to submit the details of the service module to the Web service.
GlobalPanel Yes Used to specify the ID of the panel control in the service module that will house all the data entry controls.
OptionalPanel Yes Used to specify the ID of the panel control in the service module that will dynamically contain all the optional fields.
name Yes Used to specify the ID of the control that requires a required field validation to be marked as optional.
message Yes Used to specify the message that will be displayed to the user if the user does not enter a value/select an item in the control.
valueSource No Used to specify the default value that will be loaded into the control; the only value that will be entered for the attribute value is a valid appSetting key value.