Intellisense for Development of MPS Named Procedures

Intellisense for XML development of named procedures and Microsoft Provisioning System (MPS) requests is implemented by creating an Extensible Schema Definition (XSD), deploying it to the proper location on the file system, and then referencing it in the root node of the XML file.

Integration into Visual Studio 2003

The schema file for use with Microsoft Visual Studio 2003, MPFSchema.xsd, is deployed to the schemas\xml folder during the installation of the MPS Software Development Kit (SDK). To use the schema, open the XML file that you are working on and add the following reference in the root node:


Following is an example of adding this reference to a simple request:

<request xmlns="">

Following is an example of adding this reference to a namespace:

<namespace name="Data Hosting Resource Manager" description="Named procedures for Data Hosting resource manager provisioning tasks" readOnly="0" xmlns="">
Integration into Visual Studio 2005
The schema file for use with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, MPFSchema.xsd, is deployed to the schemas\xml folder during the installation of the MPS software development kit (SDK). To use the schema, open the XML file that you are working on and add the following reference in the root node:

Following is an example of adding this reference to a simple request:

<request xmlns="">

Following is an example of adding this reference to a namespace:

<namespace name="Data Hosting Resource Manager" description="Named procedures for Data Hosting resource manager provisioning tasks" readOnly="0" xmlns="">

In Visual Studio 2005, on the Tools menu under Options, is a new menu item for Microsoft Provisioning System. The Options page resembles the following figure:

Figure: Visual Studio 2005 options

XSLT Intellisense Support

During installation of the SDK, a file by the name of xslt.xsd is updated. Visual Studio should detect this change and take care of updating this file. However, if Extensible Stylesheet Language for Transformations (XSLT) support is not available, you can verify the XSLT file was updated by clicking the Check/Update button. A window like the in the following figure should pop up:

Figure: Check XSLT confirmation dialog box