Managed Plans Namespace

This section provides the details of the application programming interface (API) for the Managed Plans namespace included with the Microsoft® Provisioning System (MPS) in the Microsoft Solution for Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 4.0 . The Managed Plans namespace is designed to provide an interface to the Plan Manager database that exposes Service Plans, automated Exchange Resource Management, and Exchange 20007 provisioning. The goal is to


The Managed Plans namespace installs as a Microsoft Provisioning Framework (MPF) Namespace in MPS Provisioning Manager. It may require the additional execution of a procedure to set up permissions, credentials, or perform additional initialization configurations.

Public Methods
Public Method Description
Managed Plans::AddAvailablePlansToCustomer Use this procedure to add a service plan to a customer's assigned list of service plans.
Managed Plans::AddCustomerPlan Use this procedure to add features to an existing Customer Plan. The features must have been previously created with CreateFeatureType.
Managed Plans::AddFeaturesToPlan Use this procedure to add a specified plan to an existing plan Category.
Managed Plans::AddPlanToCategory Use this procedure to add a service. An example of a service is Active Directory, Exchange or Mobility.
Managed Plans::AddService Use this procedure to create a dependency between two services. For example, Exchange is dependent on Active Directory.
Managed Plans::AddServiceDependency Use this procedure to change a customer's currently assigned Service Plan of a given type.
Managed Plans::ChangeCustomerPlan This procedure changes a customer's currently assigned Service Plan of a given type.
Managed Plans::CheckDependencies This procedure will primarily be called by other procedures when adding services to which a customer subscribes. The procedure checks that the customer is subscribed to the prerequisite services required by a dependent service.
Managed Plans::CreateAssetProperty Use this procedure to create a name/value property for an existing customer asset.
Managed Plans::CreateAssetType Use this procedure to create a new Customer Asset Type.
Managed Plans::CreateCustomer Use this procedure to create a new Customer record in the plans database.
Managed Plans::CreateCustomerAsset Use this procedure to create a new Asset for existing Customer.
Managed Plans::CreateCustomerType Use this procedure to create a new Customer Type.
Managed Plans::CreateEventType Use this procedure to create a new Event Type.
Managed Plans::CreateFeatureType Create a new Feature Type. The attributes of the feature type are used to describe elements that can be submitted to a provisioning API such as the Active Directory Provider or the Exchange Provider. As such it provides some specific semantics for describing the XML required by the consumer API.
Managed Plans::CreatePlan Use this procedure to create a new plan.
Managed Plans::CreatePlanCategory Use this procedure to create a new Plan Category.
Managed Plans::CreatePlanType Use this procedure to create a new Plan Type. A plan type defines what services are available to a customer. For example, certain services are available to an Organization customer, while a completely different set of services are available to a User customer.
Managed Plans::CreateStatusType Use this procedure to create a new Status Type.
Managed Plans::DeleteAssetProperty Use this procedure to delete an existing customer asset property.
Managed Plans::DeleteCustomer Use this procedure to mark Customer record as deleted.
Managed Plans::DeleteCustomerByGUID This procedure removes all plans and availablePlans from a customer instance. Then it marks all owned assets as deleted and removes the customer instance from ManagedPlans. Customer instance is identified by globally unique identifier (GUID). This procedur assumes that the user or Organization instance does not exist in Active Directory -- the instance has been orphaned.
Managed Plans::DeletePlanCategory Use this procedure to delete a Plan Category. An exception is thrown if the category has plans assigned.
Managed Plans::DeletePlanFromCategory Use this procedure to delete an existing Plan from a Category.
Managed Plans::GetAssetsByCustomer Use this procedure to return a set of asset information for specified Customer.
Managed Plans::GetAvailablePlansByCustomer Use this procedure to return a result set of Available Plans for a specified Customer.
Managed Plans::GetCustomer Use this procedure to return a set of attributes for specified Customer.
Managed Plans::GetModifiedOrganizations Use this procedure to return a listing of organizations where membership changes and modifications have occurred during a given timeframe.
Managed Plans::GetPlan Use this procedure to return the detail for a given service plan.
Managed Plans::GetPlans Use this procedure to retrieve a listing of plans defined in the system.
Managed Plans::GetPlansByCustomer Use this procedure to return a set of plans assigned to specified Customer.
Managed Plans::GetServiceDependencies Use this procedure to retrieve a listing of services dependent on a specified service.
Managed Plans::GetServices Use this procedure to return a list of services defined in the system.
Managed Plans::GetServicesByCustomer

Use this procedure to return a list of services to which the specified customer subscribes.

This procedure for Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 4.5 is updated to accept a GUID as an override to the path parameter. The procedure returns a list of services to which the specified customer subscribes.

Managed Plans::GetUsersByPlan Use this procedure to return a list of users filtered by organization and plan.
Managed Plans::Initialize Initialize group membership and procedure Execute AS settings to enable delegated administration. Also adds standard types.
Managed Plans::Initialize This procedure initializes the Mobility namespace with the Plans Manager database.
Managed Plans::IsCustomerPlanAvailable Return a Boolean indicating whether a specified plan is available to a customer.
Managed Plans::LogEvent Use this procedure to log an event.
Managed Plans::ModifyCustomerAsset Use this procedure to modify an existing Asset for a Customer.
Managed Plans::ModifyPlan Use this procedure to modify the properties of an existing plan.
Managed Plans::ModifyPlanFeature Use this procedure to change the properties of a given plan feature.
Managed Plans::QueryCustomersByParentID This procedure returns a list of all of the customers in the PlanManager Database with a parentID of the supplied GUID or Path.
Managed Plans::RegisterService This procedure provides a single call mechanism for setting up a service and its types in Plan Manager Database. The call supports adding the service, the service dependencies and all supported types: customerTypes, statusTypes, eventTypes, assetTypes, planTypes, and featureTypes. If the flagIgnoreAlreadyExistsError parameter is supplied and set to one, then the procedure will not error when it encounters existing records. This procedure can be used by hosted services initialize procedures as a convenient way to set up a service.
Managed Plans::RemovePlanFromCustomer Use this procedure to remove a service plan from a specified customer.
Managed Plans::RemoveService Use this procedure to remove a service from the available provisionable services.
Managed Plans::AddServiceDependency Use this procedure to remove a dependency between two services.
Managed Plans::SetAvailablePlanStatus Use this procedure to set the status of a specified available plan assigned to a customer.
Managed Plans::SetCustomerAllAssetsStatus Use this procedure to set the status of all customer assets.
Managed Plans::SetCustomerAssetStatus Use this procedure to set the status of a specified Asset of a specified Customer.
Managed Plans::SetCustomerCommonName Use this procedure to set the Common Name of a specified Customer.
Managed Plans::SetCustomerParent Use this procedure to set the Parent Path of a specified Customer.
Managed Plans::SetCustomerStatus Use this procedure to set the status of a specified Customer.
Managed Plans::SetCustomerType Use this procedure to set the Customer Type of a specified Customer.
Managed Plans::SetDateLastProvisioningEvent Use this procedure to update the date and time of the last provisioning event for a customer entity.
Managed Plans::SetFeatureTypeStatus Use this procedure to set the status of a specified Feature.
Managed Plans::SetPlanFeatureStatus Use this procedure to set the status of a specified Feature of a specified Plan.
Managed Plans::SetPlanStatus Use this procedure to set the status of a specified Service Plan.
 Applies To