Hosted Email 2007 Import Namespace

This section provides the details of the Hosted Email 2007 Import namespace included with the Microsoft® Provisioning System (MPS). The Hosted Email 2007 Import namespace is designed for importing existing Hosted Email objects into MPS.

All procedures defined in Hosted Email 2007 Import require Domain Admin privilege to execute.

The procedures in this namespace are for migration purpose from Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 3.5. With earlier versions such as Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 3.0, you need to do clean deployment.

Public Methods
Public Method Description
Hosted Email 2007 Import::ImportMailbox This procedure imports an existing mailbox.
Hosted Email 2007 Import::ImportOfflineAddressBook This procedure imports Exchange 2007 Offline Address Book.
Hosted Email 2007 Import::ImportRootPublicFolder This procedure imports an existing root level customer public folder.
Hosted Email 2007 Import::ImportSmtpDomains This procedure imports Exchange 2007 Accepted Domains.

The following table documents common exceptions that can be raised by the procedures in namespace Hosted Email 2007 Import.

Error Code Message Conditions
0x80070057 The argument '%1' cannot be null. A required argument was supplied without a value.
0x80070057 The required argument %1 was not supplied. A required argument was not supplied in the request.
0x80070057 Insufficient Privilege! Not Domain Administrator. A procedure was run with credentials not belonging to a user that is a member of domain admins.
0x80072030 The plan '%1' is not valid for this operation. A type of '%2' is required. The plan specified for an organization was found to be neither a plan of type ExchUserHosting or of type ExchOrgHosting.
0x80072030 The specified plan is not available to this customer organization. The specified mailbox plan has not been added to the collection of mailbox plans available to the organization when provisioning mailboxes.
0x80070057 Invalid Customer. The specified user or organization was not found in the Plan Manager database.
0x80072030 The organization is not a member of an Exchange Hosting service plan. An attempt was made to perform an importation of a mailbox, public folder, smtp domain or offline address book before subscribing the organization to the Hosted Email 2007 service.
0x80131509 The value of the applyPlanSettings parameter, '%1', is invalid. The value must be '1' or '0'. An attempt was made to import a mailbox that had an invalid applyPlanSettings input parameter value.
0x80131509 A mailbox cannot be allocated with size 'unlimited'. An attempt was made to import a mailbox that had a prohibitSendQuota value of 'unlimited'. Because prohibitSendQuota is used to specify resource allocation, the value is invalid.
0x80131509 A customer can have only one plan of this type. An attempt was made to subscribe an organization to a Hosted Email 2007 organization plan, but the organization has already subscribed to service.
0x80131509 No OfflineAddressList with the name '%1' was found. An attempt was made to import an offline address book and it was discovered no OAB with the specified name was found.
0x80131509 The Organization '%1' already has an OfflineAddressBook other than '%2'. An attempt was made to import an offline address book for a specified organization and it was discovered that the target OAB is already owned by the specified organization.
0x80131509 The OfflineAddressList with the name '%1' is already owned by an organization other than '%2'. An attempt was made to import an offline address book for a specified organization and it was discovered that the target OAB is already owned by another organization.
0x80131509 The SMTP Domain '%1' is already owned by an organization other than '%2'. An attempt was made to import an SMTP Domain for a specified organization and it was discovered that the target Domain is already owned by another organization.
0x80131509 The organization '%1' already owns the SMTP Domain '%2'. An attempt was made to import a domain for a specified organization and it was discovered that the target domain is already owned by the specified organization.
 Applies To