WMI Numeric Provider Properties, General Tab

Allows you to specify WMI numeric provider properties. For information about the Microsoft WMI SDK, which includes a WMI object browser, see the Microsoft Web site msdn.microsoft.com. To monitor page faults for the OnePoint service, you could create the following WMI numeric provider:

Field Value
Provider Name OnePoint PageFaults
WMI Namespace to be searched root\CIMV2
Class of objects to be measured Win32_Process
Object instance expression Description="OnePointService.exe"
Numeric property to sample PageFaults
Text property to be instance Description
Sample every 15 minutes

In this example, if you wanted to monitor page faults for all services, you could leave the Object instance expression field blank. The fields are defined as follows:

Provider Name
Specifies the WMI provider name.
WMI namespace to be searched
Specifies the WMI namespace to which the class of the WMI numeric data belongs. Namespace is a unit for grouping classes and instances.
Class of objects to be measured
Specifies the WMI class to which the numeric data belongs. Class defines the basic unit of management. Each class is a template for a type of managed object. All instances of the type use the template.
Object instance expression
Specifies the instance to measure. Instances contain actual data. If you leave this field blank, all instances of the object are collected. You can use the same operators in this field as those used in the WMI where clause. For more information, see Microsoft WMI documentation.
Numeric property to sample
Specifies the numeric property to measure.
Text property to be instance
Property of the object used to differentiate the instance from other instances.
Sample every
Specifies how often to sample the WMI numeric data.