All Other Events Window

Allows you to view summary information for events from all providers, except for the Windows Event Log provider, in the current configuration group. Each row in the right pane displays data for a single event. Events are sorted by occurrence, with the most recent event first. The fields are defined as follows:

Specifies the type of the event, such as Error, Warning, or Information.
Specifies the date and time at which the event occurred. The time is shown in the time zone of the local computer.
Specifies the computer on which the event occurred.
Provider Type
Specifies the type of event provider that generated the event.
Provider Name
Specifies the name of the event provider, such as Application, Internally Generated Event or Security.
Specifies the application that logged the event, such as the Microsoft Operations Manager 2000 Agent.
Event ID
Specifies the Windows event number.
Specifies the description of the event.

To add columns to the right pane, click View on the menu bar, and then click Columns on the View menu. You can add the following columns:

Specifies the agent that detected the event.
Agent Directory
Specifies the folder where the Microsoft Operations Manager 2000 agent software is installed on the computer on which the event was generated.
Agent Domain
Specifies the domain to which the agent computer belongs.
Specifies the text string that describes the event.
Specifies whether this event represents a number of consolidated events and, if so, the number of consolidated events this instance of the event represents.
Specifies the domain to which the computer belongs.
Generated Alerts
Specifies whether the event generated an alert and, if so, how many alerts the event generated.
Specifies the globally unique identifier for the event.
Specifies the name of the Windows account that generated the event.