GatherPublicFolderData Method

Retrieves public folder name, size in megabytes, and message count for each public folder on an Exchange server and returns this data in a two-dimensional array


obj.GatherPublicFolderData(DataOut Variant, RowCount Long, [TopNN Long])
where obj is an McExchg.PublicFolderAnalyzer object.


DataOut Variant array that contains all public folder information for a server.
RowCount The number of public folder information rows returned.
TopNN Specifies that this method should only return rows with the top 'NN' public folders consuming resources, as measured by message count and public folder size. This parameter is optional.

Return Type



To retrieve the top 100 public folder using resources on the EXCHANGE1 Exchange server, enter:

Set obj = CreateObject("McExchg.PublicFolderAnalyzer")
If obj.LogonToMapi("EXCHANGE1", "OnePointOperations") Then
If obj.GatherPublicFolderData(varData, lngRowCount, 100) Then
For lngIndex = 0 to lngRowCount - 1
strPublicFolder = varData(0, lngIndex)
lngMBUsed = varData(1, lngIndex)
lngMsgCount = varData(2, lngIndex)
' Do something with public folder information
strError = obj.GetError()
End If
strError = obj.GetError()
End If'

This example show how to retrieve public folder information.