Installation of AAW:

·         Service Manager:

·         The person who installs Service Manager should be a member of the Service Manager Administrator role.

·         Orchestrator:

·         The person who installs Orchestrator should be an administrator in the Orchestrator database. (Local administrator privilege is required.)

·         Configuration Manager:

·         Security credentials are required for connecting to Configuration Manager.

·         The ability to remotely access the Windows® Management Instrumentation (WMI) provider on Configuration Manager is required. You need to be added to a group that has access. How this is done depends on your environment setup (refer to Authorize WMI users and set permissions).

Runbook Server:

·         Orchestrator Runbook service

·         Orchestrator Management service account

·         The service account for the Orchestrator Management Service must have the following:

·         Permission to log on to the management server as a service (This right is automatically granted during the installation process.)

·         The service accounts are OrchestratorSystemGroup and OrchestratorUsersGroup

·         Member of the Microsoft.SystemCenter.Orchestrator.Admins role in the Orchestrator database (The account is automatically added to this role during the installation process.)

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Installation Prerequisites