Use the following procedure to run a simulation for selection criteria. Doing so shows you whether the selection criteria for an AAW template and a user are a match. This is a helpful tool for the administrator in cases where users repeatedly request applications but the requests are not approved or processed.

To run a simulation for selection criteria for a user and an application match

1.     In the Service Manager console, click Administration.

2.     In the Administration pane, click Application Approval, and then click Selection Criteria.

3.     In the Tasks pane, click Run simulation.

4.     On the Incoming Request page, type the user’s name in the User box, or click . to search for the user.

5.     Next to the Application box, click Browse.

6.     In the Select objects dialog box, select the application you want, and then click OK.

7.     On the Incoming Request page, click Run.

8.     In the Microsoft Application Approval Workflow dialog box, click OK.

9.     On the Incoming Request page, click Close.

The Selection Criteria should have a status of Test. Select the Selection criteria, and in the Tasks pane, click Change Status.

10.  In the New Status box, select Production, and then click OK.

Alternatively, you can change the status of an invalid template or a template that is not working correctly by selecting Disabled in the New Status box.

Note   Change the selection criteria status to Production if you want it to be used during request processing.

11.  Click Close.

Related Topics

Create, Rank, and Edit Selection Criteria