Microsoft Deployment Toolkit
Documentation Library Verify That the SamplePage Project Builds Correctly |
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The SamplePage project provides an example of how to create a custom wizard page for the UDI Wizard. For more information about the SamplePage project, see Review the SamplePage Visual Studio Solution.
To verify that the SamplePage project builds correctly
1. Start Visual Studio 2010.
2. Open the SamplePage project.
The SamplePage project resides in the local_folder\SDK\UDI\SamplePage folder (where local_folder is the folder you created earlier in the process).
3. In Visual Studio 2010, in Solution Explorer, right-click the SamplePage project, and then click Properties.
The SamplePage Property Pages dialog box appears.
4. In the SamplePage Property Pages dialog box, go to Configuration Properties/Debugging.
5. In the Debugging properties, under Configuration, select All Configurations.
6. In the Debugging properties, under Command, type $(TargetDir)\OSDSetupWizard.exe.
7. In the Debugging properties, under Working Directory, type $(TargetDir).
8. In the SamplePage Property Pages dialog box, go to Configuration Properties/Build Events/Post-Build Event.
9. In the Post-Build Event properties, under Command Line, type the following:
copy /y "$(ProjectDir)..\..\..\..\OSDSetupWizard\x86\*.*" "$(TargetDir)"
xcopy /y /i "$(ProjectDir)..\..\..\..\OSDSetupWizard\x86\en-us" "$(TargetDir)en-us"
copy /y "$(ProjectDir)..\..\..\..\OSDSetupWizard\OSDResults\Images\UDI_Wizard_Banner.bmp" "$(ProjectDir)header.bmp"
copy /y "$(ProjectDir)Config.xml" "$(TargetDir)”
copy /y "$(ProjectDir)header.bmp" "$(TargetDir)header.bmp"
10. In the SamplePage Property Pages dialog box, click OK.
11. Save the project.
12. From the Debug menu, click Start Debugging.
The Microsoft Visual Studio dialog box appears indicating that the source is out of date and asks whether you want to build the project.
13. In the Microsoft Visual Studio dialog box, click Yes.
The No Debugging Information dialog box appears informing you that no debugging information is available for OSDSetupWizard.exe.
14. In the No Debugging Information dialog box, click Yes.
The UDI Wizard opens with the custom wizard page displayed.
15. Verify that you can select a value in Choose your location.
16. In the Wizard with sample page form, click Cancel.
The Cancel Wizard dialog box appears.
17. In the Cancel Wizard dialog box, click Yes.
18. Close Visual Studio 2010.
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