This section describes the Update-MDTDeploymentShare Windows PowerShell cmdlet. Run this cmdlet from a Windows PowerShell console that has the MDT PowerShell snap-in loaded. For more information on how to start a Windows PowerShell console that has the MDT PowerShell snap-in loaded, see Loading the MDT Windows PowerShell Snap-In.
Update-MDTDeploymentShare [-Path <String>] [-Force] [‑Compress] [<CommonParameters>]
This cmdlet updates an existing deployment share with the latest files from the Windows AIK or Windows ADK. This cmdlet also updates or regenerates the required Windows PE boot images in both WIM and ISO file formats.
This subsection provides information about the various parameters that can be used with the Update-MDTDeploymentShare cmdlet.
-Path <String>
This parameter specifies the fully qualified path to an existing folder in the deployment share that is being updated.
Note If this parameter is not provided, then the Windows PowerShell working directory must default to the desired location within the deployment share.
Parameter |
Value |
Required? |
False |
Position? |
Named |
Default value |
– |
Accept pipeline input? |
False |
Accept wildcard characters? |
False |
-Force [<SwitchParameter>]
This parameter specifies whether Windows PE boot images (.iso and .wim files) for the deployment share should be completely regenerated. If this parameter is:
· Provided, then the cmdlet creates new versions of the Windows PE boot images. This process takes more time than optimizing the existing Windows PE boot images.
· Omitted, then the cmdlet optimizes the existing Windows PE boot images. This process takes less time than generating new versions of the Windows PE boot images. If this parameter is omitted, the Compress parameter can be used to reduce the size of the boot images as a part of the Windows PE boot image optimization process.
Parameter |
Value |
Required? |
False |
Position? |
Named |
Default value |
– |
Accept pipeline input? |
True (ByValue) |
Accept wildcard characters? |
False |
-Compress [<SwitchParameter>]
This parameter specifies whether Windows PE boot images (.iso and .wim files) for the deployment share should be compressed when they are optimized (without the Force parameter). If this parameter is:
· Provided, then the cmdlet compresses the Windows PE boot images as they are being optimized
· Omitted, then the cmdlet does not compress the Windows PE boot images as they are being optimized
Note This parameter should only be provided if the Force parameter is not provided. If the Force parameter is included, new Windows PE boot images are generated and are compressed to the minimal size.
Parameter |
Value |
Required? |
False |
Position? |
Named |
Default value |
– |
Accept pipeline input? |
True (ByValue) |
Accept wildcard characters? |
False |
This cmdlet supports the following common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, OutBuffer, OutVariable, WarningAction, and WarningVariable. For more information, see the topic, “about_CommonParameters,” which you can access by typing the following command, and then pressing ENTER:
Get-Help about_CommonParameters
This cmdlet outputs a String type data and produces additional String type data if the Verbose common parameter is included.
Example 1
This example updates the deployment share at the Windows PowerShell working directory. The Windows PE boot images will be optimized. The Windows PE boot images will not be compressed.
Example 2
Update-MDTDepoymentShare -Path "DS001:"
This example updates the deployment share at the MDT Windows PowerShell drive named DS001:. The Windows PE boot images will be optimized. The Windows PE boot images will not be compressed.
Example 3
Update-MDTDepoymentShare -Path "DS001:" -Compress
This example updates the deployment share at the MDT Windows PowerShell drive named DS001:. The Windows PE boot images will be optimized. The Windows PE boot images will be compressed.
Example 4
Update-MDTDepoymentShare -Path "DS001:" -Force
This example updates the deployment share at the MDT Windows PowerShell drive named DS001:. New versions of the Windows PE boot images will be generated.
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