This class provides common file/directory operations:
static inline std::wstring GetModulePath(HINSTANCE hModule)
It also returns the full path to the .exe or .dll file with the instance handle that you provide to this method:
static inline std::wstring GetModuleFilename(HINSTANCE hModule)
The class returns the full path and file name of the .exe and .dll file with the instance handle that you provide to this method:
static inline std::wstring GetDirecotryName(LPCWSTR fullName)
. . . or just the path while stripping the file name:
static inline std::wstring GetFileName(LPCWSTR fullName)
Given a path with a file name, the path helper class returns the file name only:
static inline std::wstring Combine(LPCWSTR path, LPCWSTR name)
Finally, the class returns a new string that is the combined path and file name (or another path).
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