This section describes the Get-MDTDeploymentShareStatistics Windows PowerShell cmdlet. Run this cmdlet from a Windows PowerShell console that has the MDT PowerShell snap-in loaded. For more information on how to start a Windows PowerShell console that has the MDT PowerShell snap-in loaded, see Loading the MDT Windows PowerShell Snap-In.


Get-MDTDeploymentShareStatistics [-Path <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


This cmdlet displays the statistics of a deployment share based on the MDTProvder drive that is specified in the Path parameter. The statistics include the number of items in the specified deployment share:

·     Applications

·     Drivers

·     Operating Systems

·     Packages

·     Task Sequences

·     Selection Profiles

·     Linked Deployment Shares

·     MDT Media

·     Computers in the MDT DB

·     Make and Models in the MDT DB

·     Locations in the MDT DB

·     Roles in the MDT DB


Note   The values for the statistics that relate to the MDT DB are not populated and always return a value of zero.


This subsection provides information about the various parameters that can be used with the Get-MDTDeploymentShareStatistics cmdlet.

-Path <String>

This parameter specifies the MDTProvider Windows PowerShell drive for the desired deployment share.

Note   If this parameter is not provided, then the Windows PowerShell working directory must default to a location within the desired MDTProvider Windows PowerShell drive.







2 and Named

Default value

Accept pipeline input?


Accept wildcard characters?




This cmdlet supports the following common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, OutBuffer, OutVariable, WarningAction, and WarningVariable. For more information, see the topic, “about_CommonParameters,” which you can access by typing the following command, and then pressing ENTER:

Get-Help about_CommonParameters


This cmdlet outputs a PSObject type object that contains the statistics for the deployment share.

Example 1

Get-MDTDeploymentShareStatistics –Path DS001:


This example returns the deployment share statistics for the deployment share that is specified in the DS001: MDTProvider Windows PowerShell drive.

Example 2

cd DS001:



This example returns the deployment share statistics for the deployment share that is specified in the DS001: MDTProvider Windows PowerShell drive. Use the cd command to set the working directory for Windows PowerShell to the DS001: MDTProvider Windows PowerShell drive.

Related Topics

MDT Windows PowerShell Cmdlets