Scripts provide automation of the image-build and overall deployment process. They scan the configuration files, query the configuration database, evaluate environment variables to determine the rules to be used when deploying the images to the target computers, and perform many other intricate deployment tasks. MDT uses both Microsoft Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript [.vbs]) and Windows Script file (.wsf) scripts. Typically, there is no need to modify one of the delivered scripts. If a modification is necessary, instead of modifying one of the delivered scripts, copy the script to a new file, update it, and thoroughly test the effect of any change.

The scripts create log files as the scripts automate the deployment process. The log files record the status of the deployment process and can be used to assist in troubleshooting this process:

·     Develop new scripts for use in MDT deployments as described in Develop Custom Scripts.

·     Create new scripts for use in MDT deployments from a template as described in Create New Scripts from a Template.

·     Create Windows PowerShell scripts for use in MDT deployments as described in Create Windows PowerShell Scripts for Use in MDT.

Related Topics

Configuring MDT Deployments
Develop Custom Scripts
Create New Scripts from a Template
Create Windows PowerShell Scripts for Use in MDT