The following Windows PowerShell commands create the Windows Vista Production Build task sequence in the Production deployment share, which is located in D:\Production Deployment Share.

·      Add-PSSnapIn Microsoft.BDD.PSSnapIn

·      New-PSDrive -Name "DS002" -PSProvider MDTProvider -Root "D:\Production Deployment Share"

·      Import-mdttasksequence -path "DS002:\Task Sequences" -Name "Windows Vista Business Production Build" -Template "Client.xml" -Comments "Approved for use in the production environment.  This task sequence uses the Standard Client task sequence template" -ID "Vista_Ref" -Version "1.0" -OperatingSystemPath "DS002:\Operating Systems\Windows Vista BUSINESS in Windows Vista x86 install.wim" -FullName "Fabrikam User" -OrgName "Fabrikam" -HomePage "" -AdminPassword "secure_password" -Verbose

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