This task sequence step configures the DHCP server service on the target computer. For more information about which script accomplishes this task and which properties you use, see ZTIConfigureDHCP.wsf.

The unique properties and settings for the Configure DHCP task sequence step type are:





Set this read-only type to Configure DHCP Server.






Configure DHCP

Scope Details

These options apply to any client computers that obtain a lease within that particular scope. Configured scope option values always apply to all computers obtaining a lease in a given scope unless they are overridden by options assigned to class or client reservation.

Within the Scope Details setting, the following sub-settings are configurable:

·     Scope Name. A user-definable name

·     Start IP address. The starting IP address for the scope

·     End IP address. The ending IP address for the scope

·     Subnet mask. The subnet mask of the client subnet

·     Lease duration for DHCP clients. The duration that the DHCP lease is valid for the client

·     Description. A description of the scope

·     Exclude IP address range, Start IP address. The starting IP address for the range of IP addresses that are to be excluded from the scope

·     Exclude IP address range, End IP address. The ending IP address for the range of IP addresses that are to be excluded from the scope

·     003 Router. A list of IP addresses for routers on the client subnet

·     006 DNS Servers. A list of IP addresses for DNS name servers available to the client

·     015 DNS Domain Name. The domain name that the DHCP client should use when resolving unqualified domain names with DNS

·     044 WINS/NBNS Servers. Lists the IP addresses for NetBIOS name servers (NBNSes) on the network

·     046 WINS/NBT Node Type. Configures the client node type for NetBT clients

·     060 PXE Client. The address used for Pre-Boot Execution Environment (PXE) client bootstrap code

Server Options

These options apply globally for all scopes and classes defined at each DHCP server and for any clients that a DHCP server services. Configured server option values always apply unless they are overridden by options assigned to other scope, class, or client reservation.

Within the Server Options setting, the following sub-settings are configurable:

·     003 Router. A list of IP addresses for routers on the client subnet

·     006 DNS Servers. A list of IP addresses for DNS name servers available to the client

·     015 DNS Domain Name. The domain name that the DHCP client should use when resolving unqualified domain names with the DNS

·     044 WINS/NBNS Servers. Lists the IP addresses for NBNSes on the network

·     046 WINS/NBT Node Type. Configures the client node type for NetBT clients

·     060 PXE Client. The address used for PXE client bootstrap code


Related Topics

Specific Properties and Settings for Task Sequence Step Types