To configure AD DS advanced properties, perform the following steps:

1.   Edit task_sequence_name (where task_sequence_name is the name of the task sequence to which you want to add the task sequence step) for:

·     LTI as described in Configure the Task Sequence Properties Task Sequence Tab

·     ZTI using Configuration Manager 2012 as described in Configuring ZTI Task Sequence Steps in Configuration Manager 2012

·     ZTI using Configuration Manager 2007 R3 as described in Configuring ZTI Task Sequence Steps in Configuration Manager 2007 R3

2.   Modify the Configure ADDS task sequence step you created for:

·     LTI on the Task Sequence tab (In the task sequence hierarchy, click task_sequence_step [where task_sequence_step is the Configure ADDS task sequence step].)

·     ZTI in the task sequence hierarchy (Click Add, click MDT, and then click task_sequence_step [where task_sequence_step is the Configure ADDS task sequence step].)

3.   On the Properties tab, click Advanced.

4.   In the AD DS Advanced Properties dialog box, in the Options, Functional Levels, and Folders sections, select the following options as required for your environment and AD DS scenario:

Options section:

·     Install DNS if not already present. Select this option when creating a new forest or new domain.

·     Make this domain controller a global catalog (GC) server. This is the default option and should be selected for new domains or forests and domains without a GC server.

·     Wait for critical replication only. Select this option to populate only the directory services database using replication.

Functional levels section:

·     Forest Functional Level. Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 (2 = Windows Server 2003; 3 = Windows Server 2008; 4 = Windows Server 2008 R2)

·     Domain Functional Level. Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 (2 = Windows Server 2003; 3 = Windows Server 2008; 4 = Windows Server 2008 R2)

Folders section:

·     Database. Contains the fully qualified path on the target computer to the location for the NTDS database. The default value is %SYSTEMROOT%NTDS. You can also configure this value using the DatabasePath property in the CustomSettings.ini file or the MDT DB.

·     Log Files. Contains the fully qualified path on the target computer to the location for the log files. The default value is %SYSTEMROOT%NTDS. You can also configure this value using the LogPath property in the CustomSettings.ini file or the MDT DB.

·     SYSVOL. Contains the fully qualified path on the target computer to the location for the SYSVOL folder. The default value is %SYSTEMROOT%SYSVOL. You can also configure this value using the SysVolPath property in the CustomSettings.ini file or the MDT DB.

Note   If you configure values in the CustomSettings.ini or the MDT DB, use the %DESTINATIONLOGICALDRIVE% task sequence variable instead of the %SYSTEMROOT% variable. For LTI deployments, the variables are evaluated while running Windows PE, so the %SYSTEMROOT% variable will return the SystemRoot folder for Windows PE, not the target operating system. The %SYSTEMROOT% variable for Windows PE typically is set to X:\WINDOWS.

5.   In the Site name box, type the name of the site in which to install the domain controller.

The default name for a new forest or site is default_first_site; however, this value does not appear in the Site name box by default—you must type it. Then, click OK to complete the configuration of the AD DS Advanced Properties dialog box, and then click OK in the Task Name Properties dialog box to complete configuration of the task.

Related Topics

Configure AD DS Server Role Task Sequence Step Settings