Problem: While deploying Windows XP using a customized Sysprep.inf file within MDT as shown below, MDT appends a section with just the information provided by MDT instead of adding the information to the .inf file. This can cause issues when deploying the image, because Sysprep sees only the first occurrence of the commented section, not the new section that MDT added.

Sysprep.inf prior to MDT customizations:

[UserData] ;For Windows XP a Volume License Key is required to avoid activation

FullName=My Test Name

OrgName=My Test Organization

Sysprep.inf after MDT 2010 customizations:

[UserData] ;For Windows XP a Volume License Key is required to avoid activation

FullName=My Test Name

OrgName=My Test Organization[SysprepCleanup][UserData]

ProductKey=<some valid product key>


During the MiniSetup phase of deployment, only the first [UserData] section sets the FullName and OrgName properties but does not set the ComputerName or ProductKey properties. The user is prompted during MiniSetup for this information.

Possible Solution: Do not use inline comments in .inf files for MDT to customize.

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