Name and Approach

On this page you define an approach for the application. Defining an approach will help you account for refactoring and support considerations in your migration planning.


Enter a name for your new Application

Provide a name that will be used to generally refer to the application and all the assets and information associated with it in the MAP Toolkit and the associated reports.


Select this option if the application will be deployed entirely on the Windows Azure Platform using Web and Worker Roles and SQL Azure databases.

VM Role

Select this option if the application will be deployed entirely on the Windows Azure Platform using VM Roles and SQL Azure databases.


Select this option if the application will be deployed partially on the Windows Azure Platform using Web Roles, Worker Roles, VM Roles and SQL Azure databases, and partially on premise for business or legal reasons.


The selections on this page are informational to help distinguish what-if scenarios and will be part of the report.

Related Topics

Windows Azure Application Migration Wizard

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