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Discovery problem

The HP ProLiant PRO Management Pack relies on multiple system infrastructures such as the Operations Manager 2007 server, the Operations Manager 2007 health service, the Virtual Machine Manager 2008 server, the Virtual Machine Manager 2008 agents, and the Virtual Machine Manager PRO Management Packs. If one of the configurations is improper, then the discovery process of the HP ProLiant PRO Management Pack might fail.

The discovery process might be slow if you change any setting on the above infrastructure. If you are in a non-production environment and need to speed up the discovery process, the following is an example operation to test:

  1. On the Operations Manager console, locate the "Health Service" class instance to the managed host, and then execute "Flush Health Service State and Cache." This restarts the discovery process of all management packs on the managed host.
  2. On the Operations Manager server, restart three services such as OpsMgr Health Service, OpsMgr SDK Service and OpsMgr Config Service. This resets the Operation Manager domain configuration and redistributes all management packs to all managed hosts.
  3. On the Virtual Machine Manager console, remove the Operations Manager Server entry once, and then reconfigure the Operations Manager Server. This reestablishes the connection to the Operations Manger server.
  4. On the Virtual Machine Manager console, clear the PRO setting on the host group or cluster once. After verification, a Job shows a completed update of the PRO setting. Verify the PRO setting. This reestablishes the PRO setting.