Follow the instructions on Deploy Hosted Messaging and Collaboration Active Directory Collector in the Deployment Walkthrough to deploy the Active Directory Collector.

  • In procedures other than Procedure W03-DWR.16 and Procedure W03-DWR.21, use the MOMSQL01 server in place of the OMSQL01 server, and use the MOMService account in place of the OMAdmin account.
  • In Procedure W03-DWR.16, use the SCOM01 server in place of the OMMGR01 server.
  • In Procedure W03-DWR.21, use the SCOMSQL01 server in place of the OMSQL01 server; use the SCOM01 server in place of the OMMGR01 server. In step 2 of Procedure W03-DWR.21, change DBHOSTNAME to MOMSQL01; change SCOMHOST to Thus, the command should be:
      Copy Code
    msiexec /i ScomCollector.msi /norestart /passive DBHOSTNAME=MOMSQL01 DBDATABASE=PWDB40 SVCRUNAS=FABRIKAM\ScomCollectorSVC SVCRUNASPWD=Password