To restore a server when you have a working domain controller, take the following actions.
Seize All FSMO Roles
Seize those flexible single master operations (FSMO) roles that the failed server had been providing on the working domain controller. If there is more than one working domain controller, seize them on a domain controller that is in the same site as the target domain controller.
The details for role seizing are unique to the role and can be found in the online Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Help. Perform this action carefully - it may be that these roles have automatically been taken over by other domain controllers in the hierarchy. Role seizure is only performed if the target domain controller to be recovered was supporting FSMO roles that have not been taken over by other domain controllers in the infrastructure.
Rebuild the Failed Domain Controller
Rebuild per the original server build process. However, a new computer name should be used because remnants of the original domain controller may still exist in Active Directory.
Redeploy the FSMO Roles
For more information, see Using Ntdsutil.exe to seize or transfer FSMO roles to a domain controller.
If for some reason this process fails, you have two choices:
- Completely recover the Active Directory infrastructure as if
there were no working domain controller. This option is not
- Implement a careful and custom restoration process. This
process is beyond the scope of this guide. You may consider
employing Microsoft Consulting Services to assist you with this