In this section, you will upgrade the Hosting Solution reports.


  1. Upgrade the Hosting Solutions Reports

Upgrade the Hosting Solutions Reports

Procedure UG.37: To upgrade the Hosting Solutions Reports

  1. Log on to MOMSQL01 as MOMService.

  2. Uninstall the old version of the Hosting Solution Reports package (SetupHositngReporting2005 Build 4.0.460.0)

  3. Open a browser and browse to http://localhost/reports.

  4. Click Show Details, and then remove the Hosting Solutions Reports folder.

  5. In the Monitoring and Reporting folder on the solution distribution media, run Hostingreport2005.msi to install the Hosting Solutions Report files.

  6. Open a command prompt and change directory to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Hosting\Reporting\Hosted Reports 2005.

  7. At the command prompt, enter DeployReport.exe to run the executable.

  8. After deploying reports has completed, open a browser to http://localhost/reports and verify that you see a folder called Hosting Solutions Reports.