The specific configuration design tasks that you can perform with the MPS Deployment Tool prior to starting the actual deployment of MPS components are as follows:

  • Pointing the tool to shared folder locations for the following files:
    • MSI and sources files - Includes the Microsoft Installer (MSI) applications for MPS components and the source files to be deployed with each MPS component.
    • MpsRequirements.xml - Existing file that defines the required components, resources, and dependencies for MPS, and serves as an overall configuration template of tool components for new deployments.
    • MPSConfig.xml - Generated by the tool after starting the deployment process. This file is a superset of the MpsRequirements.xml file and contains requirements information in addition to unique information that is specific to the current deployment state.
    • ActionHistory.xml - Maintains an aggregated record of all actions taken in the tool interface; generated each time you use the tool for configuration or deployment.
    • Session.log - Provides a log file for the current tool session.
    • MSI log files - Stores log files for components installed by the MSI applications.
  • Locating servers in the hosting environment domain and assign them appropriately as the installation sites for the various deployable components.
  • Configuring the Active Directory operational mode.
  • Scheduling the MPF components and related procedures that you want to install and run at deployment time.
  • Verifying the assignments of MPF components from an existing deployment (when performing installations or reconfigurations subsequent to the initial deployment).
  • Forcing the state of components from an existing configuration.
  • Exporting configuration files for backup purposes.