This section includes scripts and tools that are provided with Microsoft Provisioning System (MPS). Information is also included about how you can learn to use scripting technologies in your provisioning environment.

Development Tools

The Microsoft Provisioning System SDK provides development tools for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005. This enables developers to more easily create .NET-based applications that interact with MPS, and allows them to extend MPS by creating new providers.


  • MPS .NET Client Wrapper - A base assembly dynamic-link library (DLL) that provides an interface to MPS. Contains the logic for programmatically generating a base XML request, which can then be passed to the MPF Client and submitted to an Provisioning Engine. Simplifies the task of developing .NET-based applications that interoperate with MPS.
    See for more information about this component.
  • MPS Provider .NET Base Class - Provides developers with the capability of building custom providers so you can integrate legacy or third-party applications into MPS using the .NET languages. Developers can use the MPS Provider .NET Base Class to expose the basis of an MPS provider and to inherit from this class, so they can create methods for custom providers that talk to components in your provisioning system. The base class readily supports the adoption of the Provisioning Engine because it offers the means of developing providers using the .NET languages. The MPS Provider .NET Base Class reference documentation contains more information about this component. This documentation will be available in the near future as a Web deliverable.
  • MPF Provider Wizard - Allows developers to simplify the setup for writing new providers. Provides the capability to automatically create a new C# Class Library project that is preconfigured with the appropriate references, using statements and inheritance configuration. Also generates a file named ProviderNS.xml, which is a template that developers can use as the provider namespace when registering the provider with the Provisioning Engine.
  • IntelliSense for MPS XML - Provides developers with the ability to quickly develop MPS requests, namespaces, and procedures with the use of the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 IntelliSense capability. IntelliSense provides node syntax as you write XML code for MPS requests, procedures, and namespaces.
The MPS Developer Toolkit will be available in the near future as a Web deliverable.