The Operations Review should be documented in a manner suitable to the organization. The facilitator's job-who in this case is the operations manager-is made much easier if others act as timekeeper and minutes-taker.

This documentation can include minutes sent by e-mail or posted to an intranet site. Regardless of the media, the operations manager should circulate the documentation promptly to all attendees of the Operations Review and also to any other interested parties. The operations manager should impose a deadline for review and comments, usually before the next Operations Review is scheduled. Team members review these minutes and, where appropriate, send comments back to the operations manager. An online Review Meeting Minutes template is available at Operations Templates.

The output should also be used as input for a communications system to show current status to the customers and users of IT services.

The operations manager is responsible for coordinating the completion of any action items resulting from the Operations Review meeting. This includes deciding how to proceed if action items are not completed on time or do not meet the agreed-upon completion criteria. For online examples of a template containing operations management review (OMR) action items, which can be adapted for the Operations Review, see .

Next Steps

After the Operations Review is complete, the service solution continues in operation, where it is expected that as-needed tuning will occur as part of day-to-day operations activity in the Operating Quadrant of the Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF) Process Model. Major changes to the service solution will be determined in the Optimizing Quadrant. Identified improvements will be implemented through the MOF Changing Quadrant.