In the following procedure you will install the remote procedure call (RPC) over Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Client Configuration Web site. The Web site contains:
- Step-by-step instructions.
- A Microsoft Outlook profile.
- A configuration script for configuring an Outlook client to use
RPC over HTTP.
First, you install the site, and then you secure it.
- Install the RPC over HTTP Client Configuration Web
- Secure the RPC over HTTP Client Configuration Web Site
Install the RPC over HTTP Client
Configuration Web site
Install the RPC over HTTP Client Configuration Web site on PROV01.
Procedure W03-DWHE.95: To install the RPC over HTTP Client configuration Web site
Log on to PROV01 using an account that is a member of the domain administrators group.
Copy the Hosted Exchange\RPC Over HTTP folder from the Microsoft Hosting Solutions for Service Providers site to a local drive.
From your local copy, run RPCHttpConfigTool.msi from the RPC over HTTP subdirectory.
Accept the default values for Website Name and default virtual directory.
After completing the setup, verify that the site has installed by opening Internet Explorer and then browsing to http://localhost/RPCHTTPConfig
After the Welcome to RPC over HTTP web page opens, close Internet Explorer.
Using Notepad (or any other text editor), in the installation directory C:\Program Files\Microsoft Hosting\Provisioning\RPCHTTPConfig\ClientConfigFiles folder, open the Mail.prf file.
Update the lines starting with "RPCProxyServer=" and "RPCProxyPrincipalName=msstd:" by replacing the server names with your RpcProxy FQDN server name. For this reference architecture, use
The FQDN you specify for the RPC Proxy server must match the common name (CN) value specified for the SSL certificate installed on the RPC Proxy server Web site. -
Save and close the file.
Secure the RPC over HTTP Client
Configuration Web site
Secure the Web site by removing anonymous access and using basic authentication for clients.
Procedure W03-DWHE.96: To secure the RPC over HTTP Client configuration Web site
Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager on PROV01.
Expand Default Web Site, expand rpchttpconfig, and then navigate to the Pages folder.
Edit authentication and access control security settings for ConfigureOutlook.aspx according to the following information:
- Ensure that the Enable anonymous access and
Integrated Windows authentication check boxes are
- Ensure that the Basic Authentication check box is
- In the Default Domain field, type a backslash
- Ensure that the Enable anonymous access and
Integrated Windows authentication check boxes are