GPUView Menu Options

This section describes GPUView's menu options.


Exits the GPUView program.

View->Process->Toggle threads adding more (6 views)

Increases the number of viewed threads until you exceed all threads. When you exceed all threads, you loop back to the beginning.

View->Process->Show more threads

Increases the level count by one, which shows more threads with more details.

View->Process->Show fewer threads

Decreases the level count by one, which shows fewer threads with fewer details.


Reduces the amount of information in the main window viewport. This menu option zooms in at the center of the viewport.


Reduces the amount of information in the main window viewport by a factor of 10 relative to ZoomIn. This menu option zooms in at the center of the viewport.


Increases the amount of information in the main window viewport. This menu option zooms out at the center of the viewport.


Increases the amount of information in the main window viewport by a factor of 10 relative to ZoomOut. This menu option zooms out at the center of the viewport.

View->Zoom->Zoom Home

Shows the entire ETL file.

View->Zoom->Zoom to Selection

Zooms to the region of the screen that is shown in the mouse highlight.


Readjusts the center point.

Tools->Event List

Shows the Event Listing dialog box.

Tools->Object Viewer

Shows the Object Viewer dialog box.

Tools->Module Info Dialog

Shows the Module Info dialog box.

Options->Lock Dialogs

If selected, all dialog boxes move with the main window when you minimize or maximize them. You should lock dialog boxes when you run multiple versions of GPUView at the same time.

Options->Toggle VSync

Enables or disables the first VSync. This setting is persistent across restarts.

Options->Symbol Path

Sets the symbol search path.

Options->Toggle Memory Charts

Displays the memory chart in the main window. The setting is persistent across restarts.

Options->Toggle Present Charts

Displays the present chart in the main window. The setting is persistent across restarts.

Options->Dynamically Recalc Heights

To reduce the amount of dead space in the main window, you can use this option to have GPUView recalculate the heights of context and process areas based on the current viewport time span. When you select this option, GPUView recalculates on every repaint. The default is off. The setting is persistent across restarts.

Options->Track Mouse Cursor

Draws a vertical line at the x-coordinate of the mouse. The setting is persistent across restarts.

Options->Show Status Bar

Toggles the status bar on or off.

Options->Show Arrow on Event Line

Enables showing the arrow on the Event Line if the owning thread is known for the event.

Help->Help File for GPUView

Starts the GPUView.chm file if it is found.

Help->About GPUView

Opens a dialog box with version number and other data.



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Build date: 8/22/2011

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