Choose Sorting Dialog

With the Choose sorting dialog, the user can customize the layout of the Segment viewer. The following diagram is a screen shot that shows the Choose sorting dialog.

Screen shot that shows the Choose sorting dialog box

The sorting of the data in the main Segment Viewer window is based on the elements found in the Active comparers list. Values can be moved from the Inactive comparers list to the Active comparers list by selecting the specific item and pressing the arrow button that divides the lists.

The sort order is also dependent on the order of the items in the Active comparers list. The topmost item is the primary sort item.

Each Active comparer can be sorted in ascending or descending order. The sort algorithm does its best to perform a simple comparison of the values in the specific column.

The Move up and Move down buttons adjust the selected Active comparer to the appropriate position up or down.



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Build date: 8/22/2011

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