Topic Last Modified: 2010-07-06

The Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Management Pack for System Center Operations Manager monitors the Windows Application log on computers running Exchange 2010 and generates this alert when the events specified in the following Details table are logged.

To learn more about this alert, in Operations Manager, do one or more of the following:


Product Name


Product Version

14.0 (Exchange 2010)

Event ID


Event Source


Alert Type


Rule Path

Microsoft Exchange Server/Exchange 2010/Mailbox/Database Copy

Rule Name

A database is approaching its size limit. Exceeding the limit may result in the database becoming unavailable.


This Error event indicates that the Microsoft Exchange Information Store database is approaching the maximum size limit. This error may be logged in either of the following scenarios:

  • On a computer for which the following is true:

    • Exchange Standard Edition is installed.

    • The Information Store database size is approaching the hard-coded limit.

    • The registry value for the maximum database size was not increased.

  • On a computer for which the following is true:

    • Exchange Enterprise Edition is installed.

    • In the registry, the maximum database size is restricted to the value that is specified in the error.

User Action

To resolve this error, locate the subkey for the Information store in the registry. The subkey should resemble the following:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchangeIS\<SERVER NAME>\Private-013e2e46-2cd7-4a8e-bfec-0e4652b94b00

Note   The GUID in this key (Private-013e2e46-2cd7-4a8e-bfec-0e4652b94b00) is an example only. The actual GUID should match the value of the objectGUID attribute on the Active Directory directory service object of the database.

Caution   Incorrectly editing the registry can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Problems resulting from editing the registry incorrectly may not be able to be resolved. Before editing the registry, back up any valuable data.

  • If it exists, change the Database Size Limit in GB value to the desired size in gigabytes.

  • If this value does not exist, add the DWORD value Database Size Limit in GB. Set the value to the desired size in gigabytes.

    Note   The code for Exchange sets a hard-coded database size limit of 50 gigabytes for Exchange Standard Edition. This value can be changed by using the procedure that is described in this topic. The Information Store database size for both the Standard and the Enterprise Edition is limited only by available disk space.

For More Information

If you are not already doing so, consider running the Exchange tools created to help you analyze and troubleshoot your Exchange environment. These tools can help make sure that your configuration aligns with Microsoft best practices. They can also help you identify and resolve performance issues, improve mail flow, and better manage disaster recovery scenarios. To run these tools, go to the Toolbox node of the Exchange Management Console. To learn more about these tools, see Managing Tools in the Toolbox.