The following script is an example of how to:
Create a new 100 GB thin LUN on a VNX storage pool.
Present the LUN to a Windows 2008 R2 host and initialize the disk.
Create an NTFS volume and mount it on an available drive letter. The following example requires that the storage system and host are connected and available.
Example script
PS C:\Users\administrator.BROOKSDOM> import-module esipstoolkit
PS C:\Users\administrator.BROOKSDOM> $pool = Get-EmcStoragePool "VM Pool"
Block storage system: [Name = APM00111102550. UserFriendlyName = VNX5100]. Lun Pools are not initialized. Refreshing Lun
PS C:\Users\administrator.BROOKSDOM> $system = Get-EmcHostSystem NEC-BLADE6
PS C:\Users\administrator.BROOKSDOM> $lun = New-EmcLun -Pool $pool -CapacityInMB 102400 -Thin
TaskStatus: Started
10% : Creating the LUN...
100% : The specified LUN has been created...
TaskStatus: Completed
PS C:\Users\administrator.BROOKSDOM> Set-EmcLunAccess -Lun $lun -HostSystem $system -Available
TaskStatus: Started
10% : Unmasking the LUN to the specified host(s)...
100% : The specified LUN has been unmasked to the specified initiators...
TaskStatus: Completed
PS C:\Users\administrator.BROOKSDOM> $hdisk=Get-EmcHostDisk -
Host: NEC-BLADE6. Refreshing MultiPath software information.
Host: NEC-BLADE6. Retrieving disk information from Virtual Disk Service.
WARNING: Unable to find host disk(s) with the given parameters
PS C:\Users\administrator.BROOKSDOM> $hdisk=Get-EmcHostDisk -HostSystem $system -Lun $lun
PS C:\Users\administrator.BROOKSDOM> Initialize-EmcHostDisk -HostSystem $system -HostDisk $hdisk -PartitionStyle GPT
TaskStatus: Started
10% : Initializing the disk...
100% : The specified disk has been initialized...
TaskStatus: Completed
PS C:\Users\administrator.BROOKSDOM> $vol =New-EmcVolume -HostSystem $system -HostDisk $hdisk -FileSystemType NTFS -Labe
l TestVolume
TaskStatus: Started
10% : Provisioning the volume...
100% : The specified volume has been provisioned...
TaskStatus: Completed
PS C:\Users\administrator.BROOKSDOM> Get-EmcAvailableDriveLetter -HostSystem $system
A, B, D, E, F, … (up to Z, except for default C)
PS C:\Users\administrator.BROOKSDOM> Set-EmcVolumeMountPoint -HostSystem $system -Volume $vol -DriveLetter Z
TaskStatus: Started
10% : Mounting the volume...
100% : The specified volume has been mounted...
TaskStatus: Completed
PS C:\Users\administrator.BROOKSDOM>