Get-EmcEntity (ESI Service)

Gets one or more Entity objects from the Entity Graph of an ESI Service instance.





An Entity represents the state of a system or component at a particular point in time. (For example, StorageSystem, StoragePool, and DiskDrive.) This command returns one or more entity objects which satisfy the criteria.



-Pattern <String>

Attributes: Optional, Position: 1

Specifies the pattern to filter the results. Wildcards are permitted.


-ServiceUrl <String>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

Specifies the base URL for the ESI Service. This must contain only the scheme, host, and port. If no value is specified, ESI uses the default of localhost or the value set by using the Set-EmcServiceUrl cmdlet.


-Silent <SwitchParameter>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

Turns off all the informational and verbose messages. However, it still displays errors.

-EntityId <String>

Attributes: Required, Position: named, Accepts pipeline input (by value or parameter name)

ID of an entity object in the Entity Graph. If specified alone, this returns the Entity object. If combined with the -RelatedSource or -RelatedTarget flag, this will return entity objects that are related to the entity object.

-RelatedTarget <SwitchParameter>

Attributes: Required, Position: named

If specified, returns entity objects that have target relationships to the entity specified in the -EntityID parameter.


-RelatedSource <SwitchParameter>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

If specified, returns entity objects that have source relationships to the entity specified in the -EntityID parameter.

-TargetClass <String>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

If specified, returns entity objects which are of the specified class. Only valid with -RelatedTarget.


-SourceClass <String>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

If specified, returns entity objects which are of the specified class. Only valid with -RelatedSource.

-Relationship <String>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

If specified, returns entity objects with an EntityRelationship of a specific name to the entity specified by the -EntityID parameter. This is only valid with -RelatedTarget or -RelatedSource flags.

-Class <String>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

If specified, returns entity objects of the specified class.



This cmdlet supports these common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, and OutVariable. Type get-help about_commonparameters for more details.



-------------- Example 1 --------------



Name             : FNM00104000192-26.136-26.142

Model            : VNX5500

SoftwareRevision :

SerialNumber     : FNM00104000192

HealthState      : Warning

EntityId         : ebca9b04fc762fcdc8963271e0c94e52e3cc8336

Class            : StorageSystem


EnclosureId   : Bus 0 Enclosure 0

EnclosureType : DPE8

DisplayName   :

HealthState   : Success

EntityId      : 1082eaa20bbfdcc6412979785083f33930b7e215

Class         : Enclosure


EnclosureId  : Bus 0 Enclosure 0

DiskId       : Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 0

SerialNumber : 3SE2DT96

VendorId     : SEAGATE

ProductId    : ST930060 CLAR300

Capacity     : 268.403 GB

Type         : SAS

DisplayName  : Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 0

HealthState  : Success

EntityId     : 91e6f5c112c6fecb8f2c8cac9d8b3eb5baeec9a1

Class        : DiskDrive


... etc.

This example gets all of the entities.


-------------- Example 2 --------------

:\PS>Get-EmcEntity -Class StorageSystem


Name             : FNM00104000192-26.136-26.142

Model            : VNX5500

SoftwareRevision :

SerialNumber     : FNM00104000192

HealthState      : Warning

EntityId         : ebca9b04fc762fcdc8963271e0c94e52e3cc8336

Class            : StorageSystem


Name             : Symmetrix DMX3-6

Model            : DMX3-6

SoftwareRevision : Enginuity 5773.176

SerialNumber     : 000190300186

HealthState      : Error

EntityId         : 5c4d33e67493dd1e33e771499333f3bd62246521

Class            : StorageSystem


Name             : Symmetrix VMAX40K

Model            : VMAX40K

SoftwareRevision :  5876.81.57

SerialNumber     : 000195700515

HealthState      : Success

EntityId         : 5bf28b9f543c15b707d723a803096b2563d5ba27

Class            : StorageSystem


... etc...

This example gets all of the entities for the StorageSystem class.


-------------- Example 3 --------------

CC:\PS>Get-EmcEntity -EntityId ebca9b04fc762fcdc8963271e0c94e52e3cc8336 -RelatedTarget

-TargetClass "Enclosure"


EnclosureId   : Bus 0 Enclosure 0

EnclosureType : DPE8

DisplayName   :

HealthState   : Success

EntityId      : 1082eaa20bbfdcc6412979785083f33930b7e215

Class         : Enclosure


EnclosureId   : Bus 0 Enclosure 1

EnclosureType : DAE5S

DisplayName   :

HealthState   : Error

EntityId      : c46767ef734e5d0bb5658199c1d7a0b14704caf8

Class         : Enclosure


EnclosureId   : Control Station 0

EnclosureType : Control Station Enclosure

DisplayName   : Control Station 0

HealthState   : Success

EntityId      : 9baf33815d515940ab37ade8e7199fdd09ec0987

Class         : Enclosure


EnclosureId   : DME 0

EnclosureType : Data Mover Enclosure

DisplayName   : DME 0

HealthState   : Success

EntityId      : a9e210a5290e927119fdf495c96fdf1b1c6fe0ea

Class         : Enclosure

This example gets all of the entities of the Enclosure class that have a target relationship with the entity.


-------------- Example 4 --------------

C:\PS>Get-EmcEntity -EntityId ebca9b04fc762fcdc8963271e0c94e52e3cc8336 -RelatedTarget

-Relationship LogicalPhysicalAssociation


EnclosureId   : Bus 0 Enclosure 0

EnclosureType : DPE8

DisplayName   :

HealthState   : Success

EntityId      : 1082eaa20bbfdcc6412979785083f33930b7e215

Class         : Enclosure


EnclosureId   : Bus 0 Enclosure 1

EnclosureType : DAE5S

DisplayName   :

HealthState   : Error

EntityId      : c46767ef734e5d0bb5658199c1d7a0b14704caf8

Class         : Enclosure


EnclosureId   : Control Station 0

EnclosureType : Control Station Enclosure

DisplayName   : Control Station 0

HealthState   : Success

EntityId      : 9baf33815d515940ab37ade8e7199fdd09ec0987

Class         : Enclosure


EnclosureId   : DME 0

EnclosureType : Data Mover Enclosure

DisplayName   : DME 0

HealthState   : Success

EntityId      : a9e210a5290e927119fdf495c96fdf1b1c6fe0ea

Class         : Enclosure

This example gets all of the entities that have a target relationship named LogicalPhysicalAssociation.


-------------- Example 5 --------------

C:\PS>Get-EmcEntity -EntityId 1082eaa20bbfdcc6412979785083f33930b7e215 -RelatedSource


Name             : FNM00104000192-26.136-26.142

Model            : VNX5500

SoftwareRevision :

SerialNumber     : FNM00104000192

HealthState      : Warning

EntityId         : ebca9b04fc762fcdc8963271e0c94e52e3cc8336

Class            : StorageSystem

This example gets all of the entities that have a source relationship with the entity.