
The following procedure describes how to configure DCOM on the server running Device Manager 2011.

To use this procedure, you must have already installed all Device Manager 2011 server components and registered the device imaging component following the procedures in the Sample Device Imaging Componentsection.

To configure DCOM on the server running Device Manager 2011

  1. In Registry Editor, open HKCR\AppID\, and then do the following:

    • Add the AppID GUIDsubkey.

    • Add the RemoteServerNamestring key value under AppID GUID. RemoteServerNamevalue is an IP address or a fully qualified domain name that points to the remote server that hosts the device imaging component.

  2. Open HKCR\CLSID\{Device Imaging Component GUID}, and then do the following:

    • Add the AppIdstring value and set its value to the AppID GUIDvalue.

    • Rename the InProcServer32entry.

    • Create the TypeLibsubkey and set the Defaultstring value to {TypeLib GUID}.

  3. Open the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Ole\EnableDCOMsubkey and verify that it is set to Y.

  4. Open Windows Firewall and verify that DCOM port TCP 135 is open.

See Also