
This section describes how to configure DCOM on the remote Device Manager 2011 server. This procedure covers the registration of type libraries and the sample device imaging component, modification of the registry keys, and adding and assigning the appropriate permissions.

To configure the remote server

  1. In Registry Editor, open HKCR\AppID\subkey, and then add the {AppID GUID}.

  2. Under the AppIDsubkey, add the DllSurrogatestring value and set it to empty string or null.

  3. At an elevated command prompt, type the following to register the type library:

    %frameworkdir%\%frameworkversion%\regtlibv12.exe EDM.DeviceImaging.PluginInterface.tlb

    The EDM.DeviceImaging.PluginInterface type library is available in the Device Manager 2011 server installation folder.
  4. Register the device imaging component with the Device Manager 2011 server by using the procedure in the Registering the Sample Device Imaging Componenttopic.

  5. In Registry Editor, open HKCR\CLSID\{ Device Imaging Component GUID }and then do the following :

    1. Add the AppIDstring value and set its value to {AppID GUID}.

    2. Verify that the InProcServer32key exists.

    3. Set the Default string value of the TypeLibsubkey to {TypeLib GUID}.

      You may have to add the TypeLibsubkey if it does not exist.
  6. At an elevated command prompt, type compmgmt.mscto start the Computer Management console.

  7. In the Computer Management console, expand Computer Management, click System Tools, click Local Users and Groups, click Groups, select Distributed COM Users, and then add the Device Imaging service user account to this group.

  8. At a command prompt, type DComCnfg.exeto start the Component Services console.

  9. In the Component Services console, click Console Root, click Component Service, click Computers, click My Computer, click DCOM Config, and then locate the AppIDthat you previously added in the registry.

  10. Right-click the AppID, and then select Properties.

  11. In the Propertiesdialog box, click the Identitytab, and then select This user.

  12. Type a user name and password to use as the Run As account for hosting instances of this device imaging component.

  13. On the Securitytab, under Launch and Activation Permissions, select Customize, and then click Edit.

  14. In the Launch and Activation Permissiondialog box, add the Device Imaging service user account.

    This account does not have to be the same as the Run As account that was added in Step 12.
  15. Verify that the Device Imaging service user account has the Remote Activationand Remote Launchpermissions, and then click OK.

  16. On the Securitytab, under Access Permission, select Customize, and then click Edit.

  17. Verify that the Device Imaging service user account has Remote Accesspermissions, and then click OK.

  18. Click OKagain to close the Propertiesdialog box.

  19. In Registry Editor, verify that the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Ole\EnableDCOMkey is set to Y.

  20. Open Windows Firewall and check the firewall rules to verify that DCOM port TCP 135 is open.

  21. Restart the Device Imaging service so that the DCOM device imaging component configuration can take effect.

See Also