You can set the start time for protection jobs only by using DPM Management Shell. The protection jobs that you can reschedule are catalog pruning and detailed inventory.

To schedule a protection job

  1. Use the following syntax to retrieve the current start time for a protection job:

    Get-ProtectionJobStartTime [-ProtectionGroup] <ProtectionGroup> [-JobType] <ProtectionJobType> [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]

  2. Use the following syntax to set the start time for a protection job:

    Set-ProtectionJobStartTime [-ProtectionGroup] <ProtectionGroup> [-JobType] <ProtectionJobType> [-StartTime] <DateTime> [-MaximumDurationInHours] <Int32> [-PassThru] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]

  3. Use the following syntax to remove the start time for a protection job:

    Set-ProtectionJobStartTime [-ProtectionGroup] <ProtectionGroup> [-JobType] <ProtectionJobType> -Remove [-PassThru] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]

    For more information, type "Get-Help Set-ProtectionJobStartTime -detailed" in DPM Management Shell.

    For technical information, type "Get-Help Set-ProtectionJobStartTime -full" in DPM Management Shell.

See Also

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