The User Role wizard allows you to create or modify a user role. The wizard allows you to create or modify the user role name, assign or modify permissions to databases and to recovery locations.

Specify Recovery Items

Specify the SQL Server instances and databases that the user role can recover.

Click Add to specify the SQL Server and database. You can give the user role permission to recover multiple databases from multiple SQL Servers.

To revoke the user role’s permissions to a SQL Server, select the server and click Remove.

Click Next after you have provided all the required information.


Field Description

SQL Server Instance

Provide the name of the SQL Server instance that the user role can recover.

Database Name

Provide the name of the database on the SQL Server that the user role can recover. If you want to give the user role permission to recover all databases on the SQL Server, clear this cell and leave it blank.

When you allow users in a role to recover entire instances, all databases under that SQL Server instance will be available for recovery. The users will have access to currently protected databases, and any that will be added in the future.

When assigning permissions to user roles, you must ensure that the members of the role meet the criteria to view and access the data. If you are not careful, users who should not have permission to view and access data may inadvertently get access.