The User Role wizard allows you to create or modify a user role. The wizard allows you to create or modify the user role name, assign or modify permissions to databases and to recovery locations.

Specify Recovery Target Locations

Specify whether you want to allow user roles to recover a database to instances other than the one from which it was protected. If you do not want to allow users to do this, click Next.

Click Add to specify a SQL Server. You can specify multiple SQL Servers. To revoke permissions to a SQL Server, select it and click Remove.

Click Next after you have provided all the required information.


Field Description

SQL Server Instance

Provide the name of the SQL Server instance that the user role can recover.

Recovered File Paths

Provide the path to the location to which the user role can recover the database. If you want to allow the user role to recover to any location on the SQL Server, clear the contents of the cell.

You will allow a user to Recover as file when the user wants access to the backed up database files and does not want to use DPM to recover to an instance.

In case the users belonging to this role are SQL administrators, you may want to give them permissions to recovery the database files to any location on the SQL Server. However, when the users are not SQL DBA/administrators, you may want to restrict the locations to which they can recover the database files so that they do not affect functioning of other SQL databases or instances.