The Data Store Configuration utility prepares the database where System Center Orchestrator 2012 stores information about your runbooks. This database is called the data store. You also use the Data Store Configuration utility to make changes to the data store after you have installed Orchestrator.
The Data Store Configuration utility creates the connection settings that will be used by either the management server or runbook server installed on the computer. It stores the settings in settings.dat, which is an encrypted file. This file is also configured with ACL permissions so that only Local Administrators or the user who ran the Data Store Configuration utility on the computer can access it. If this file is missing or the permissions have been changed, the management server or the runbook server might report that a connection to the data store cannot be made. If you have changed your database settings, such as the port, user account access, or computer where it is installed, you will need to re-run the Database Configuration utility on the management server and all runbook servers.
To configure the data store
Assign the SQL Server roles Database Creators and Setup Administrators to the Service User account.
To configure the data store after you have installed Orchestrator 2012, click Data Store Configuration on the Start -> Programs -> Microsoft System Center -> Orchestrator 2012 menu.
In the Server Details box, type the name of the server that is running the SQL Server database that will host the data store. Do not enter localhost or To specify the fully qualified database server name, type TCP:<server>\<instance>,<port> replacing server, instance, and port with the applicable values for your Microsoft SQL Server database.
In the Server box, click the ellipsis button (...) and select the Server from the list, or type the name of the server that is running the SQL Server database that will host the datastore. Do not enter localhost or To specify the fully qualified database server name, type TCP:<server>\<instance>,<port> replacing server, instance, and port with the applicable values for your Microsoft SQL Server database.
Microsoft SQL Server is usually installed on the default port 1433 and the default instance is used. In this case, the database name that you enter in the Server box of the Data Store Configuration utility is the computer name, for example, MYSQLSERVER.In some cases, Microsoft SQL Server may be installed on a named instance. In this case, you enter both the computer name and the instance name in the Server box of the Database Configuration utility in the following format: computer name\instance, for example, MYSQLSERVER\NONDEFAULT. If the SQL Server uses a non-default port, you also enter the port the Server box of the Database Configuration utility, in the following format: computer name,port for the default SQL instance, or computer name\instance,port for a non-default instance. For example, MYSQLSERVER,12345 or MYSQLSERVER\NONDEFAULT,12345. -
Select the authentication method to use to connect to the SQL Server:
- Windows Authentication Connect to the
SQL Server using Windows authentication.
- SQL Authentication Connect to the SQL
Server using a SQL Server user account. Type the User Name
and Password of the SQL Server user account. This account
must have rights to create, write, and own a database as well as
create, update, and delete rows in the database.
- Windows Authentication Connect to the
SQL Server using Windows authentication.
Click Next. The Database Details tab appears.
Select the action that you want to use to create the data store:
- Create a new database Select this option to create a new
management database. Type a Name for this database.
- Use an existing database Select this option if:
- You have already created a database in SQL Server that you will
use as the data store. Select the Name of the database from
the list. The authentication credentials that you specified on the
Server tab must have rights to create, write, and own a database as
well as create, update, and delete rows in the database.
- You are performing a manual deployment of a runbook server.
- You have already created a database in SQL Server that you will
use as the data store. Select the Name of the database from
the list. The authentication credentials that you specified on the
Server tab must have rights to create, write, and own a database as
well as create, update, and delete rows in the database.
- Create a new database Select this option to create a new
management database. Type a Name for this database.
Click Finish. The Data Store Configuration utility creates the data store or updated Orchestrator to connect to an existing data store.