Encapsulates answer file actions required for Windows Setup to install out-of-box device drivers.

The following tables list the members exposed by the DriverPath type.

Public Properties (see also Protected Properties )

  Name Description
Action  Retrieves the action for the override.(inherited from SettingOverride)
AppliedConfigurationPass  Retrieves the configuration pass to which the override will be applied.(inherited from AnswerFileSettingOverride)
ChildSettingOverrides  Retrieves the collection of child overrides.(inherited from AnswerFileSettingOverride)
Component  Retrieves the root ComponentSetting object this override belongs to.(inherited from SettingOverride)
ConfigurationPasses Retrieves a collection of all configuration passes in which driver path settings can be applied during setup.
Definition  Retrieves the definition for the override (see SettingDefinition).(inherited from SettingOverride)
Domain Retrieves the domain name used to connect to the UNC driver path (optional).
DriverLocation Retrieves the path to the out-of-box device driver folder. The path can be a UNC path.
DynamicKey  Retrieves the value of the dynamic key if this is a dynamically keyed list item.(inherited from SettingOverride)
HasOverrideBelow  Checks whether this container has any setting overrides beneath it.(inherited from SettingOverride)
HasValueBelow  Checks whether this container has any setting overrides below it.(inherited from SettingOverride)
Key  Retrieves the value of the key for a list item.(inherited from SettingOverride)
Name  Retrieves the name of the setting. If the setting is a list item, the name will be in the format Name[key="value"].(inherited from SettingOverride)
Parent  Retrieves the parent of the override value.(inherited from AnswerFileSettingOverride)
ParentOverrideContainer  Retrieves the instance of parent setting override container that contains the SettingOverride instance. If the setting override represents a top level setting, this will return null.(inherited from SettingOverride)
Password Retrieves or sets the password of the user account used to connect to the UNC driver path (optional).
Path  Retrieves the absolute path to the setting override from its containing component setting, in the format of SettingName1/SettingName2/....(inherited from SettingOverride)
SettingDefinitionName  Retrieves the definition name of the setting.(inherited from SettingOverride)
SettingDefinitionPath  Retrieves the absolute definition path to the setting override from its containing component setting, in the format of SettingName1/SettingName2/....(inherited from SettingOverride)
SettingOverrides  Retrieves all descendent setting overrides.(inherited from AnswerFileSettingOverride)
SettingOverrideSyncRoot  Returns the object that can be used to synchronize access to setting overrides in a multi-threading context.(inherited from AnswerFileSettingOverride)
StringArrayValue  Retrieves and sets the override value of a setting if the setting type is an array of strings.(inherited from AnswerFileSettingOverride)
UserName Retrieves or sets the user name used to connect to the UNC driver path (optional).
Value  Retrieves and sets the override value of a setting.(inherited from AnswerFileSettingOverride)

Protected Properties

  Name Description
StorePath  (inherited from SettingOverride )

Public Methods (see also Protected Methods )

  Name Description
CanConsume  (inherited from ObjectBase )
Consume  (inherited from ObjectBase )
Equals  Overloaded. (inherited from Object )
GetApplicableComponentName Retrieves the name of the Windows component responsible for installing out-of-box device drivers during Windows Setup in the specified configuration pass.
GetApplicableConfigurationPasses Retrieves all configuration passes in which the specified Windows component will perform out-of-box device driver installation.
GetHashCode  (inherited from Object )
GetSettingPath Retrieves the path of the root setting that can be overridden to install out-of-box device drivers in the specified configuration pass.
GetType  (inherited from Object )
GetXml  Retrieves the XML string of the setting override. (inherited from AnswerFileSettingOverride)
MergeXml  Merges the XML string obtained by the GetXml method into the current object. (inherited from AnswerFileSettingOverride)
ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object )
Remove  Removes the setting override. (inherited from AnswerFileSettingOverride)
ToString  Retrieves the display name of the setting override. (inherited from SettingOverride)

Protected Methods

  Name Description
Generic CreateProperty  (inherited from ObjectBase )
DoCreateSettingOverrideCollection  (inherited from AnswerFileSettingOverride )
DoGetAction  (inherited from AnswerFileSettingOverride )
DoGetDynamicKey  (inherited from AnswerFileSettingOverride )
DoGetStringArrayValue  (inherited from AnswerFileSettingOverride )
DoGetValue  (inherited from AnswerFileSettingOverride )
DoSetAction  (inherited from AnswerFileSettingOverride )
DoSetDynamicKey  (inherited from AnswerFileSettingOverride )
Finalize  (inherited from Object )
MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object )
Generic OnValueChanged  (inherited from ObjectBase )
ProtectedRemove  (inherited from SettingOverride )

Public Events

  Name Description
PropertyChanged  (inherited from ObjectBase )

See Also