Public Properties

  Name Description
ApplicableConfigurationPasses Retrieves all possible configuration passes for the component on which an override can be created.
ChildSettingDefinitions Retrieves all top-level setting definitions for this component.
ChildSettingOverrides Retrieves all the top-level setting overrides of the component.
Enabled Indicates whether the component has been installed.
HasOverrideBelow Checks whether this container has any setting overrides below it.
Id Represents the identity of the component.
ParentDefinitionContainer Returns the ISettingDefinitionContainer interface for the parent container of this instance. Always returns null for component settings.
ParentOverrideContainer Retrieves the instance of ISettingOverrideContainer that contains the ComponentSetting instance. Because ComponentSetting is the root container that contains all setting definitions and setting overrides, this always returns null.
SettingDefinitions Retrieves all setting definitions for this component.
SettingOverrides Retrieves all setting overrides for this component.

See Also