In this walkthrough, you create a catalog for each image in a Windows image (.wim) file. You start by defining the directory that contains the .wim files and getting a list of all the .wim files in the directory. Then, you loop through each .wim file in this directory to get the Windows image information. Finally, you create a catalog for each image in the .wim file.


Get the number of .wim files in the directory

  • Define the directory that contains the .wim files.

    string wimFolder = @"C:\myWorkingFolder";
  • Get the list of .wim files in the wimFolder directory.

    string[] wimfiles =
    Directory.GetFiles(wimFolder, @"*.wim");

Get the Windows image information

  • Create a CPI instance.

    Cpi cpiObj = Cpi.Instance;
  • Get the Windows image information for each image in the .wim file.

    WimInfo wimInfo = cpiObj.OpenWim(wimfile);

Create a catalog for each Image:

  • Loop through the images, validate the Windows image, and create a new catalog for each image in the .wim file.

    foreach (OfflineImageInfo imageInfo in wimInfo.Images)


The following example demonstrates how to create a catalog for each image in the .wim file.

To run this example, you must change the value of the variable wimFolder to match the path that contains the .wim files on your machine.
// CreateCatalogs.cs

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.ComponentStudio.ComponentPlatformInterface;

namespace CreateCatalogs
	class CreateCatalog
		static void Main(string[] args)
			// Define the directory that contains .wim files:
			string wimFolder = @"C:\myWorkingFolder";

			// Get list of .wim files in the wimFolder directory:
			string[] wimfiles = 
				Directory.GetFiles(wimFolder, @"*.wim");

			// Display the number of .wim files:
			"Number of .wim files in the folder {0} is {1}.",
			wimFolder, wimfiles.Length);

			// Loop through each .wim file in the folder:
			foreach (string wimfile in wimfiles)
				// Display the path name of the .wim file:
					"The .wim file path-name is: {0}"
					, wimfile);

				// Create a Cpi instance:
				Cpi cpiObj = Cpi.Instance;

				// By using the Cpi instance, get the Windows image
				// file information from the .wim file:
				WimInfo wimInfo = cpiObj.OpenWim(wimfile);

				// Loop through the images and create
				// a catalog for each image in the .wim file:
				foreach (OfflineImageInfo imageInfo 
					in wimInfo.Images)
				 // Display the name of the image and the
				 // corresponding catalog:
					Console.WriteLine("Creating catalog for: " +
					// Create the catalog:


Number of .wim files in the folder C:\myWorkingFolder is 1.
The .wim file path-name is: C:\myWorkingFolder\install.wim
The .wim information is: Microsoft.ComponentStudio.ComponentPlatformInterface.Wi
Creating catalog for: Windows Vista ULTIMATE
Creating catalog for: Windows Vista BUSINESS
Creating catalog for: Windows Vista BUSINESSN
Creating catalog for: Windows Vista ENTERPRISE
Creating catalog for: Windows Vista HOMEBASICN
Creating catalog for: Windows Vista HOMEPREMIUM
Creating catalog for: Windows Vista STARTER

See Also