You can configure Endpoint Protection alerts in Microsoft System Center 2012 Configuration Manager to notify administrative users when specific security events occur in your hierarchy. Notifications display in the Endpoint Protection dashboard in the Configuration Manager console, in reports, and you can configure them to be emailed to specified recipients.

Use the following steps and the supplemental procedures in this topic to configure alerts for Endpoint Protection in Configuration Manager.

You must have the Enforce Security permission for collections to configure Endpoint Protection alerts.

Steps to Configure Alerts for Endpoint Protection in Configuration Manager

Use the following table for the steps, details, and more information about how to configure alerts for Endpoint Protection.

Steps Details More information

Step 1 (Optional): Configure email settings for alerts.

Before you can configure email subscriptions for alerts, you must configure an SMTP server in your hierarchy. An SMTP server can only be specified at the top-level site of your Configuration Manager hierarchy.

For more details, see Configuring Alerts in Configuration Manager.

Step 2: Configure alerts by collection.

Configure the properties of a device collection and specify settings for alerts.

For more details, see Step 2: Configure Alerts by Collection in this topic.

Step 3 (Optional): Configure email subscriptions for specific alerts.

Select the Endpoint Protection alerts in the Monitoring workspace, and create subscriptions by specifying email addresses to send the Endpoint Protection alerts.

For more details, see Configuring Alerts in Configuration Manager.

Supplemental Procedures to Configure Endpoint Protection in Configuration Manager

Use the following information when the steps in the preceding table require supplemental procedures. These procedures configure the alerts for Endpoint Protection.

Step 2: Configure Alerts by Collection

See Also