You can configure System Center 2012 Configuration Manager management points in a primary site to use a replica of the site database. Management points at secondary sites do not support database replicas.

At each primary site, you can configure one or more computers that run SQL Server to host a database replica, and more than one management point at that site can use the same database replica. When a management point uses a database replica, that management point requests data from the SQL Server computer that hosts the database replica. Because requests are made to the database replica server and replace direct requests to the site database server, this configuration can help reduce the CPU processing requirements on the site database server when there are large numbers of clients that make frequent requests for client policy.

When you use a database replica, regularly monitor the site database server and each database replica server to ensure that replication occurs between them, and that the performance of the database replica server is sufficient for the site and client performance that you require.

Use the following sections to help you configure and manage database replicas:

Configurations for Using a Database Replica

To use a database replica, all the following configurations are required:

  • SQL Server on the site database server and on the database replica server must have the SQL Server replication installed.

  • The site database must publish the database replica.

  • Each remote SQL Server computer that will host a database replica must subscribe to the published database replica.

  • You must configure each management point that will use the database replica to communicate with the database replica server and database replica.

  • Each SQL Server computer that will host a database replica must have a self-signed certificate for management points to use on remote computers to communicate with the database replica server.

  • You must configure the SQL Server in use for the site database and each database replica to support a Max Text Repl Size of 2 GB. For an example of how to configure this for SQL Server 2012, see Configure the max text repl size Server Configuration Option.

To configure a database replica, you must complete the procedures in the following sections:

Beginning with Configuration Manager SP1, you must also complete the procedure in the following section:

Configuring the Site Database Server to Publish the Database Replica

Configuring the Database Replica Server

Configure Management Points to Use the Database Replica

Configure a Self-Signed Certificate for the Database Replica Server

Configure the SQL Server Service Broker for the Database Replica Server

Operations for Using Database Replicas

When you use a database replica at a site, use the information in the following sections to supplement the process of uninstalling a database replica, uninstalling a site that uses a database replica, or moving the site database to a new installation of SQL Server. When you use information in the following sections to delete publications, use the guidance for deleting transactional replication for the version of SQL Server that you use for the database replica. For example, if you use SQL Server 2008 R2, see How to: Delete a Publication (Replication Transact-SQL Programming).

After you restore a site database that was configured for database replicas, before you can use the database replicas you must reconfigure each database replica, recreating both the publications and subscriptions.

Uninstalling a Database Replica

Uninstalling the Site Server

Moving the Site Server Database

See Also