HP ProLiant Server OS Deployment for System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Troubleshooting Assistant

  HP ProLiant Server OS Deployment for System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Troubleshooting Assistant > Chapter 3 Troubleshooting   

Installation issues

The following sections provide troubleshooting information for installation issues with the HP ProLiant Server OS Deployment Toolkit for Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007:

  • Custom action does not appear in the menu

  • Deployment pack does not completely uninstall

  • Create Server Deployment Task Sequence wizard reports error

Custom action does not appear in the menu

Configuration Manager uses information stored in WMI to load the custom action assemblies from disk. This WMI information is imported into the site system WMI database during installation through the use of MOF files. If there is an error during importation or if the WMI information is incorrect, the MMC might encounter an exception when trying to load the assembly because the file name or assembly name is not found. Verify if the appropriate WMI class for HP_ProLiantDeployment exists under root\SMS_<SiteCode>\SMS_TaskSequenceStep\SMS_TaskSequenceAction.

If the class does not exist, the custom action does not appear in the menu. Re-install the site server files using the installer. WMI CIM Studio, a useful tool for viewing and editing WMI information, is available from the Microsoft website.

Deployment pack does not completely uninstall

The uninstallation process does not remove the HP customized boot images and all drivers created during installation. These remaining images and drivers are tied to task sequence packages, and removing them might invalidate otherwise working task sequences that you are using. If you are no longer using the boot images and drivers created by this product, you can delete them from the console.

To uninstall the kit, chose one of the following methods:

  • Locate the HP ProLiant Server OS Deployment for Configuration Manager 2007 at the Add/Remove Program (or the Programs and Features in Windows Server 2008) Control Panel, and then launch Uninstall. The kit is removed from the system.

  • Re-run the original kit installer.

Create Server Deployment Task Sequence wizard reports error

The Create Server Deployment Task Sequence might report a

Unable to add the task sequence to the Task Sequence Package

error after installation. This usually happens after the uninstallation and reinstallation of the HP ProLiant Server OS Deployment kit. To resolve this issue, you must restart Configuration Manager console or restart the Configuration Manager server.