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Configuring a bypass list

  1. Open File Explorer.
  2. Under the folder %Program Files%\HP BladeSystem Management Pack for Operations Manager 2007\Monitor Service, locate the configuration file, HPBladeSystemEnclosureMonitorService.exe.config.
  3. Make a backup copy of the configuration file.
  4. Open the configuration file with Notepad.
  5. Insert the following XML elements right after </configSections> XML element and before <system.runtime.remoting> XML element. "address" XML attribute defines the bypass address with regular expression. For example, "<add address="[a-z]+\.hp\.com$" />" bypasses the proxy for all servers in the domain, and "<add address="192\.168\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}" />" bypasses the proxy for all servers whose IP addresses begin with 192.168. For more information, see the Microsoft website.





    <add address="<BypassAddress1>"/>

    <add address="<BypassAddress2>"/>





  6. Save the configuration file and exit from Notepad.
  7. Restart the Monitor Service from Service Control Manager.