Getting Started


Before the Management Pack can monitor your end-users' experience, it needs to know which applications to monitor and what is considered 'healthy' for each application. (Application health is measured by user-specified performance and exception thresholds that are configured during the monitoring activation process.)

The "Discovery" of Applications

To simplify the task of locating uX Applications to monitor, the Management Pack automatically locates all applications added for client-side monitoring   on servers with the .NET Enterprise Agent deployed on them. This list is provided during the 'monitoring activation' process – allowing users to quickly select the Applications they would like to monitor for client side events. The frequency with which Web Application Endpoints and Collectors are discovered is configurable. Please see "Editing the Configuration""Advanced Configuration"

Activating Monitoring


Monitoring must be enabled and configured for each client-side ASP.NET Application that you would like to track for client-side issues. The following steps outline how to activate Enterprise ASP.NET Client Side Application monitoring. 

The Add Monitoring Wizard

Select the Monitoring Type


  • Open the Operations Manager 2007 Console.
  • Under the "Authoring View"', right click the "Management Pack Templates" folder and select 'Add Monitoring Wizard.'  This action will open an installation wizard which will guide you through the activation process.
  • In the 'monitoring type' step of the wizard, select:

  "Enterprise ASP.NET Client Side Application"

Select an Application


Select the application that was added for server side monitoring from the list of monitored applications. To populate the list:
  • Search by application name: Enter all or part of an application name to search for. Wildcards are not accepted.
  • Search by computer name: Enter the name of the discovered computer, or browse to and select the name via '...
  • Find Now: Use this button to initiate the Application search
  • Clear: Clear any text in the search fields

Name and Description


  • Enter a friendly name and description

Note that the uX application will be saved in same management pack that the server application is in.

  • Name: Enter a friendly name for the application. This is the name that will appear in the Intercept MMC.
  • Description: Enter a description for the application
  • Discovery group
  • Discover on all computers included in .NET Agent Deployment Group: If this checkbox is enabled, then agent  deployment and monitoring will be done for computers in the .NET Agent Deployment Group. If the checkbox is disabled, then deployment of agents and monitoring agent  deployment and monitoring will be done for computers included both in the .NET Agent Deployment Group and in the group selected from the dropdown list.
  • Discovery Interval
  • number minutes: Enter the time, in minutes, for the system to check for discovery of the application running in the deployment group.  This same value will be used for the discovery interval for transaction monitoring list. See 'Transactions' in section 5 below for more information. [default = 240 minutes, minimum value = 10 minutes]

Monitoring Settings (Step 1)


Application Thresholds

Thresholds define if client side performance events will be sent and what information they will contain.

  • Alerting Threshold : The Monitor sends a performance alert when a page load, JavaScript OnClick or AJAX call time exceed the 'Alerting Threshold (ms)'. [default = 30000 ms].
  • Sensitivity Threshold:  Client side JavaScript function details are collected when a function's execution time exceeds the 'Sensitivity Threshold (ms). [default = 3000 ms].
  • Ajax/WCF Threshold: The Monitor sends a performance alert when the AJAX call time exceeds the ‘Ajax/WCF Threshold (ms)’ [default = 5000 ms].

Monitoring Mode

This value can be:

  • Full Mode: when Intercept uX collects client side performance counters and reports on performance events and exception events for the client portion of the monitored application
  • Statistic Mode: when Intercept uX only collect performance counters for the client portion of the monitored application.

Monitoring Settings (Step 2)


Performance Counters Collection

This section is for selecting the performance counters that are exposed at the application level. Performance counters are used to monitor the immediate health state of an application by collecting a snapshot of configured performance counters at regular intervals. By default, the 'Avg. Request Time' , 'Monitored Requests/sec' , '% Exception Events/sec'  and  '% Performance Events/sec'  performance counters are all exposed.

  • Avg. Request Time: The average time (in milliseconds) it takes to load a web page of the monitored web application. [default = 15000 ms]
  • Monitored Requests/sec: The frequency at which the requests are being made for the web-pages of the monitored web-application. [default = 15 requests/sec]
  • % Exception Events/sec: This counter indicates the rate of total number of exceptions raised by web-pages within the monitored application. [default = 15%]
  • % Performance Events/sec: This counter indicates the number of times a web page in the monitored application exceeded the acceptable page load time per second. [default = 20%]
  • Interval - number Seconds/Minutes/Hours/Days. State performance counters are used to monitor the immediate health state of an application by collecting a snapshot of configured performance counters at number minute intervals [default = 5 minutes].
  • Custom Counter List...: This option allows you to add your own performance counters in addition to those already exposed by default by the management pack. So, if your application has your own custom performance counters, or you would like to use the MP to continue monitoring a particular set of performance counters that you typically use, add them via the Custom Counter List... option.

To Add or Edit Custom Performance Counters: Select either Add or Edit to open, add to or modify  the list of custom performance counters.

Specify the performance counter


Either enter the display name, object, counter, and instance into the text field, or use Browse... to select the appropriate counter, which will automatically fill in the text fields.

  • Display name: The rule name for collecting the custom performance counter (without aggregation) for displaying in the Operations Console
  • Object: The Object (category)  name for the performance counter.
  • Counter: The name of the performance aspect to be measured within the object category.
  • Instance: The name of the unique instance of the performance counter.
  • Include all instances for the selected counter: Although some objects (such as Memory and Server) have only a single performance object instance, some performance objects can have multiple instances. If an object has multiple instances, you can add counters to track statistics for all instances at once. Enable this checkbox to aggregate values for this counter from across all discovered computers into a single reported value. Disable this checkbox to only collect the selected instance.

  If the counters category does not support instances such as Memory or Server,  leave the instance text box empty.

To Browse and Select a Performance Counter: Click Browse... to look through all system counters.

Browse or enter computer name

  • Computer: Enter the name of the computer, or click ... to make a selection
  • Performance Counter
  • Object: Select the object (category) from the dropdown list
  • Select counter from list: Select the counter
  • Select instance from list: Select the instance of the counter, or check the 'All Instances' checkbox below
  • Explain...: Display the description for the counter in a popup window.
  • All Instances: This checkbox is always unchecked and disabled. Use Include all instances for the selected counter from the parent screen.

Aggregation settings


This section allows users to configure how data that is aggregated from across multiple computer sources will be displayed in the KPI dashboard.

  • Aggregation Counter name: The default name of the aggregation counter as it will appear on the KPI dashboard. The name created by combining the name of the selected counter and selected aggregation function. This name may be changed by the user.
  • Aggregation Function: This dropdown allows users to select the function to use when calculating the aggregation counter. Functions include calculating the aggregated value based on the Sum, Average, Minimum or Maximum values.
  • Show trend in the dashboard: When this checkbox is enabled, trends for the aggregated performance counter will be shown in the KPI dashboard.

To Delete Custom Performance Counters: Select a counter from the list and click Delete

To Change the Order that Custom Performance Counters will appear in the Trend Reports: Select a counter from the list and click Move Up or Move Down

Collect Alerts by Event Type

The management pack reports problems in two ways: via problem based alerts and via the application state.  For each unique problem signature, the MP generates a unique alert inside of Operations Manager.  This section allows user to decide whether or not to generate problem based alerts, and which type of problems based alerts should be generated.

  • Exception: Select this checkbox to enable rules to collect Exception alerts, or deselect to disable the collection rules. [default=selected]
  • Performance: Select this checkbox to enable rules to collect Performance alerts, or deselect to disable the collection rules. [default=selected]


The Management Pack monitors at both the overall application health level and at the business transaction level. The overall application health state can be monitored with respect to the number of exception and performance events and application load.

  • The % Exception Events/sec exceeds number [default = 15 percent]
  • The Average Request Time exceeds number [default = 15000 milliseconds]

To Add or Edit Application Load Monitors: Select either Add or Edit.

Several monitors of the same type can be added, but the thresholds for these monitors must be different.

Select the monitor type from the list  (available for 'Add' only)


Select from the following list of available monitor types which can be added for applications or transactions:

The Average Request Time exceeds threshold:  The instance state becomes unhealthy if the average request execution time per predefined escalation time period exceeds the escalation threshold. Application performance alerts are generated when the execution time exceeds the configured Alerting Threshold. Excessively long Network request times may be due to unbalanced Network. Long Server processing may be due to complex or inefficient server code. Page Loading Time performance issues may occur because of either large page size or a large number of JavaScript s. Long Window.OnLoad performance issues may result from long JavaScript handlers execution. JavaScript performance issues may result from long JavaScript handlers execution.

The Number of Monitored Requests/sec exceeds threshold: The instance state becomes unhealthy if the total number of monitored requests per predefined escalation time period exceeds an escalation threshold (i.e. the frequency at which the requests are being made for the web-pages of the monitored web-application). This counter is only available when AVIcode Operations Monitoring and Client Side monitoring are enabled. Therefore this counter shows the number of requests that have a duration greater than the Application Alerting Threshold. Excessively long Network request times may be due to unbalanced Network. Long Server processing may be due to complex or inefficient server code. Page Loading Time performance issues may occur because of either large page size or a large number of JavaScript s. Long Window.OnLoad performance issues may result from long JavaScript handlers execution. JavaScript performance issues may result from long JavaScript handlers execution.

The % Performance Events/sec exceeds threshold:  The instance state becomes unhealthy if the total number of performance events per predefined escalation time period exceeds an escalation threshold. Application performance alerts are generated when the number of performance events exceeds the configured monitor threshold. Excessively long Network request times may be due to unbalanced Network. Long Server processing may be due to complex or inefficient server code. Page Loading Time performance issues may occur because of either large page size or a large number of JavaScript s. Long Window.OnLoad performance issues may result from long JavaScript handlers execution. JavaScript performance issues may result from long JavaScript handlers execution.

The % Exception Events/sec exceeds threshold:  The instance state becomes unhealthy if the total number of exception events per predefined escalation time period exceeds an escalation threshold. Application availability alerts are generated when the number of exception events exceeds the configured monitor threshold. Therefore this counter indicates the rate of total number of exceptions raised by web-pages within the monitored application. Application failure alerts arise from JavaScript exceptions. To resolve these exceptions, check the exception type and the function that the exception was thrown from. Resolution of these types of problems typically requires access to application source code.

Monitor properties (for both Add and Edit)


Monitor Settings: The read-only name of the selected monitor

  • Specify threshold value to match:

Threshold: Number percent. This number indicates how many performance or exception events (as a percentage of all monitored requests) can occur per interval before affecting the health state. Available only for '% Performance Event' [default = 20 percent] and '% Exception Event' [default = 15 percent] monitors.

Threshold: Number milliseconds. This number indicates the most number of milliseconds the average request time can last per interval before affecting the health state.  Available only for 'The Average Request Time' monitor [default = 2000 ms].

Threshold: Number requests/sec. This number indicates the maximum monitored requests that can be made per interval before affecting the health state.  Available only for 'The Number of Monitored Requests/sec' monitor [default = 15 requests/sec].

  • Specify Health State: Health State: Select whether the monitor will go to a Warning or Error health state when the specified threshold is met for the specified interval [default = Error].
  • Specify the interval: Interval number Seconds/Minutes/Hours/Days. This number indicates the frequency with which the Warning and Error thresholds will be checked.  For example, if the Warning threshold is 5, then a state change will take place if  5 events occur within the interval. It also indicates the frequency of the Monitor Rule check [default = 5 minutes].
  • Alert Properties: The alert properties are displayed when an alert is generated in response to the monitor changing state. The properties include: Alert Name (Provide a unique, descriptive name for the alert to be generated), and Alert Description (Provide a description of the possible causes of, and resolutions to, this alert). The alert description can contain any number of parameters formatted as %ParameterName%, that will be replaced with actual values when alert is generated. Possible parameters include: %Threshold%, %InstanceName%, %Value%. The alert name can not contain parameters.
  • Automatically resolve the alert when the monitor returns to a healthy state: Select this checkbox to have the MP automatically change alert resolution state to 'Closed'  when the monitor returns to a healthy state [default = selected].

To Delete Monitors: select a monitor from the list and click Delete

Transactions Monitoring


The Management Pack not only monitors overall application health, but also monitors at the business transaction level. So, in addition to monitoring things like the overall volume of activity on an applications,  you may have, for example, 5 or 10 top business transactions that you would like to monitor.  In this case you would define your own monitoring rules to see the volume of traffic on those transactions or the average overall application response time, and you want to have the ability to define monitors and health rules for those 5 or 10 critical transactions. For each transaction, we can expose the same performance counters as were exposed for the overall application, like average response time or number of events.

The discovery interval for transactions is defined in section 3 above.

Transactions: This list displays the current list of monitored transactions. New Web Pages can be added to the list .

To Add a Web Page: Click Add web page.

ASP.NET Page Settings


  • Transaction Name: A user defined string to describe a transaction to a web page
  • ASP.NET Page: The virtual path to the selected ASPX page, for example "/Virtual Dir/mypage.aspx"

To Browse and Select an ASP.NET Page: Click Browse...

Specify Account for Remote Access

  • Use current user checkbox  [default = selected]
  • Account Name [default = disabled]
  • Password [default = disabled]

Select Computer:

  • Enter the name of the computer you want to browse assemblies on or choose from a computer list. Leave this field empty for using local computer ('...')

Performance Counters

  • Avg. Request Time: The average time (in milliseconds) that the monitored page has been executed. [default = 10000 ms]
  • Monitored Requests/sec: The total number of calls of the monitored page that are being executed each second. [default = 15%]
  • % Exception Events/sec: The rate of exceptions raised in the monitored page to whole calls of monitored page. [default = 5%]
  • % Performance Events/sec: The rate of page calls that have exceeded their threshold to whole calls of monitored page. [default = 20%]
  • Interval: Number Seconds/Minutes/Hours/Days. State performance counters are used to monitor the immediate health state of an application by collecting a snapshot of configured performance counters at number minute intervals [default = 5 minutes].

Collect Alerts by Event Type

The management pack reports problems in two ways: via problem based alerts and via the application state. For each unique problem signature, the MP generates a unique alert inside of Operations Manager.  This section allows user to decide whether or not to generate problem based alerts, and which type of problems based alerts should be generated.

  • Exception: This field tells the Management Pack whether or not you want Operations Manager to report the health of your .NET application by the frequency of exception problems. Select this checkbox to enable rules to collect Exception alerts, or deselect to disable the collection rules [default = selected].
  • Performance: This field tells the Management Pack whether or not you want Operations Manager to report the health of your .NET application by the frequency of performance problems. Select this checkbox to enable rules to collect Performance alerts, or deselect to disable the collection rules  [default = selected].


  • Add/Edit/Delete

To Add or Edit Monitors: Select either Add or Edit.

Select the monitor type from the list

Select from the following list of available monitor types:

The Average Request Time exceeds threshold:  The instance state becomes unhealthy if the average request execution time per predefined escalation time period exceeds the escalation threshold. Application performance alerts are generated when the execution time exceeds the configured Alerting Threshold. Excessively long Network request times may be due to unbalanced Network. Long Server processing may be due to complex or inefficient server code. Page Loading Time performance issues may occur because of either large page size or a large number of JavaScript s. Long Window.OnLoad performance issues may result from long JavaScript handlers execution. JavaScript performance issues may result from long JavaScript handlers execution.

The Number of Monitored Requests/sec exceeds threshold: The instance state becomes unhealthy if the total number of monitored requests per predefined escalation time period exceeds an escalation threshold (i.e. the frequency at which the requests are being made for the web-pages of the monitored web-application). This counter is only available when AVIcode Operations Monitoring and Client Side monitoring are enabled. Therefore this counter shows the number of requests that have a duration greater than the Application Alerting Threshold. Excessively long Network request times may be due to unbalanced Network. Long Server processing may be due to complex or inefficient server code. Page Loading Time performance issues may occur because of either large page size or a large number of JavaScript s. Long Window.OnLoad performance issues may result from long JavaScript handlers execution. JavaScript performance issues may result from long JavaScript handlers execution.

The % Performance Events/sec exceeds threshold:  The instance state becomes unhealthy if the total number of performance events per predefined escalation time period exceeds an escalation threshold. Application performance alerts are generated when the number of performance events exceeds the configured monitor threshold. Excessively long Network request times may be due to unbalanced Network. Long Server processing may be due to complex or inefficient server code. Page Loading Time performance issues may occur because of either large page size or a large number of JavaScript s. Long Window.OnLoad performance issues may result from long JavaScript handlers execution. JavaScript performance issues may result from long JavaScript handlers execution.

The % Exception Events/sec exceeds threshold:  The instance state becomes unhealthy if the total number of exception events per predefined escalation time period exceeds an escalation threshold. Application availability alerts are generated when the number of exception events exceeds the configured monitor threshold. Therefore this counter indicates the rate of total number of exceptions raised by web-pages within the monitored application. Application failure alerts arise from JavaScript exceptions. To resolve these exceptions, check the exception type and the function that the exception was thrown from. Resolution of these types of problems typically requires access to application source code.

Monitor properties (for both Add and Edit)

  • Monitor Settings: The read-only name of the selected monitor
  • Specify threshold value to match:

Threshold: Number percent. This number indicates how many performance or exception events (as a percentage of all monitored requests) can occur per interval before affecting the health state. Available only for '% Performance Event'  [default = 10 percent] and '% Exception Event' monitors  [default = 5 percent].

Threshold: Number milliseconds. This number indicates the most number of milliseconds the average request time can last per interval before affecting the health state.  Available only for 'The Average Execution Time'  monitor.  [default = 10000 ms]

Threshold: Number calls/sec. This number indicates the maximum monitored calls that can be made per interval before affecting the health state.  Available only for 'The Number of Calls/sec' monitor.  [default = 15 calls/sec]

  • Specify Health State: Health State: Select whether the monitor will go to a Warning or Error health state when the specified threshold is met for the specified interval [default = Error].
  • Specify the interval: Interval number Seconds/Minutes/Hours/Days. This number indicates the frequency with which the Warning and Error thresholds will be checked.  For example, if the Warning threshold is 5, then a state change will take place if  5 events occur within the interval. It also indicates the frequency of the Monitor Rule check [default = 5 minutes].
  • Alert Properties: The alert properties are displayed when an alert is generated in response to the monitor changing state. The properties include: Alert Name (Provide a unique, descriptive name for the alert to be generated), and Alert Description (Provide a description of the possible causes of, and resolutions to, this alert). The alert description can contain any number of parameters formatted as %ParameterName%, that will be replaced with actual values when alert is generated. Possible parameters include: %Threshold%, %InstanceName%, %Value%. The alert name can not contain parameters.
  • Automatically resolve the alert when the monitor returns to a healthy state: Select this checkbox to have the MP automatically change alert resolution state to 'Closed'  when the monitor returns to a healthy state  [default = selected].




  • Application Name: The name of the ASP.NET Application,  ASP.NET Web Service, executable or  Windows Service configured for monitoring
  • Destination Management Pack: The name of the application management pack that the client-side monitoring information was added to.
  • Discovery Interval:  number minutes: Enter the time, in minutes, for the system to check for discovery of the application running in the deployment group.  This same value will be used for the discovery interval for transaction monitoring list.
  • Alerting Threshold: The performance alerting threshold set for the current monitoring template.
  • Sensitivity Threshold: The sensitivity threshold set for performance monitoring of resource calls in the current monitoring template  under the "Application Monitoring" section
  • Ajax/WCF Threshold: The Ajax/WCF threshold set for monitoring AJAX calls in the current monitoring template.
  • Monitoring Mode: Full Mode or Statistic Mode
  • Number of Application Monitors Added: The number of monitors added for the current monitoring template under the "Application Monitoring" section
  • Number of Transactions Added: The number of functions added for transaction monitoring under  the "Transactions Monitoring" section
  • Number of Transaction Monitors Added: The total number of monitors added for all functions under  the "Transactions Monitoring" section
  • Number of Custom Counters Added: The number of custom performance counters added under the "Application Monitoring" section

Restarting/Recycling IIS

IIS must be recycled when a new Enterprise ASP.NET Client Side Application has been added for monitoring or A new client-side transaction has been added.

Adding a new Enterprise ASP.NET Client Side Application:

This action is performance on the agent.  Please see the AVIcode .NET Application Management Pack for Operations Manager 2007 User ManualEditing the ConfigurationModifying the Template PropertiesRestarting/Recycling IIS

Adding a new client-side transaction

This action is performed on the Collector.  Please see "Changing the Settings via Actions""Collector Actions""Available Actions" in this manual for details.

Last update: Thursday, December 09, 2010 02:04:14 PM